Daspyga salmocolor

Gary Anweiler gganweiler at shaw.ca
Fri Apr 1 15:52:12 EDT 2011

You mean johnsonana not johnsoana....your spellings make a Google search a 
bit tricky!!


-----Original Message----- 
From: OscartheGrouch
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 11:43 AM
To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
Subject: Re: Daspyga salmocolor

It is an Epinotia johnsoana by the way. Quite a pinkish one. I see where
I went astray.

On 3/31/2011 7:13 PM, OscartheGrouch wrote:
> Oops. Never mind. This was the first time I've looked at this under a
> scope. It's a Tortricid. Boy is my face red.
> On 3/31/2011 10:55 AM, OscartheGrouch wrote:
>> I have a number of alternosquamella, and the one lone salmocolor. They
>> are side by side in my collection. What I am calling salmocolor matches
>> up really well with the photo in the MPG Hodges number 5731 W, and my
>> alternosquamella match up real well with the photo in MTP, Hodges number
>> 5730 W. Yes they both have a very similar ground color, My salmcolr is
>> smaller and the markings just aren't right for alternosquamella, but are
>> right for salmocolor. Side by side they don't match up. I'll see if I
>> can get an image and post it where you guys can verify or debunk my
>> initial ID. OTOH, I work for the Oregon Ag. Dept in the insect lab. I'll
>> see what Rich Worth thinks about this ID.
>> On 3/31/2011 6:51 AM, Scholtens, Brian G wrote:
>>> I agree with Hugh. It is likely that the specimen is alternosquamella,
>>> which can be quite common in the NW. I saw lots of it last summer at
>>> the Lep Soc meetings in Washington state.
>>> Brian
>>> Brian Scholtens
>>> Biology
>>> College of Charleston
>>> Charleston, SC 29424
>>> scholtensb at cofc.edu
>>> 843-953-8081
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu on behalf of Hugh McGuinness
>>> Sent: Thu 3/31/2011 8:26 AM
>>> To: tondaleo at hotmail.com
>>> Cc: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
>>> Subject: Re: Daspyga salmocolor
>>> Hi,
>>> I photographed this species and took a few specimens last summer in the
>>> Chiricahuas (AZ). The species appears not to have been covered yet by
>>> Neunzig, and it was not split at the time Heinrich wrote. Are you sure
>>> your
>>> northern specimen is this and not alternosquamella?
>>> Hugh
>>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 12:51 AM,
>>> OscartheGrouch<tondaleo at hotmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Anyone have any information on the range of this moth? I can't find
>>>> much. I have a specimen that was taken in Oregon just North of the
>>>> California border in the Siskiyous. I not only can't seem to find if
>>>> that's in it's known range, but can't find what it's known range is.
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