geotagging (was: illegal trafficking)

Sheri Moreau akindofmagick1 at
Wed Apr 13 15:40:23 EDT 2011


This is yet another example of why it's so critical to turn off the geolocater 
features on your cell phone and camera and any social networking sites of which 
you're a member.  Every photo, every Tweet, every Facebook and Foursquare, 
etc. update can be used to track your movements.

The "Creepy" application to make tracking even simpler came out a couple of 
weeks ago:

but this is not at all a new issue:

Google "geotagging" and learn how to stay off the radar.

Sheri (information security professional)


I, like many others, like to post photos of butterflies and other wildlife seen 
during travels. I use, and there are several other photo sites. I 
once had a photo of a tarantula from Panama. I was contacted by a person who 
asked me to remove location information from the photo because it was a somewhat 
coveted species (by illegal collectors, for example). The location info could be 
used by them to find that site and hire locals to collect all of that kind of 
spider they could find. 
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