I've been watching this discussion...

Stan Gorodenski stanlep at commspeed.net
Sat Feb 19 12:02:43 EST 2011

First, Mr. May did not say 'anthropomorphic' climate change. It was a 
blanket statement that climate change is a hoax. I do not feel it 
appropriate to read in between the lines and "guess" he was referring to 
anthropomorphic change. Second, in the beginning years ago, I saw that 
global warming deniers denied that global warming is occurring. From my 
perspective, it appeared that to them they "believed" anthropomorphic 
changes could not cause global warming, and, therefore, global warming 
is not occurring. When they could no longer deny global warming is 
occurring, they then changed their position and said that it was a 
natural process, somehow related to sunspots or whatever. Now, because 
we have had an unusually cold and snowy winter, but not in Arizona where 
I live, it appears they are now claiming their first position, i.e., 
that global warming is not occurring, is somehow vindicated. This does 
not seem very scientific to me. I cannot prove or disprove 
anthropomorphic causes. I can only rely on the research climatologists 
are doing and I have more confidence in this than what is said in these 
these discussions and other blogs.

On 2/19/2011 9:00 AM, Michael Soukup wrote:
>    Nope "Climate Change" has been occurring every damn day for the past 6 billion
> years or so.
> Now "anthropomorphic climate change" - THAT is what is a crock.
> It's like saying that the weight of an elephant is changed by the number of
> fleas on his hide. About the most egotistical "science" invoked since folks
> believed the universe revolved around the earth.... and just about as
> accurate....maybe less so.
> On 2/19/2011 9:55 AM, Stan Gorodenski wrote:
> >
> >
> >  On 2/19/2011 7:08 AM, Neil Jones wrote:
> >>  On 19/02/2011 03:52, May wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  I'm sorry. Climate change
> >
> >  I didn't catch this on first reading - Climate "change", i.e., not warming, is
> >  a hoax? First I've heard this one.
> >  Stan
> >
> >>>  is a hoax and Al Gore is a profiteering buffoon. People will limit the size
> >>>  of the families as the economies get worse. Don't ask why and don't moan
> >>>  about population. Do it yourself and be your own example. Reasonableness and
> >>>  moderation in all things.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>  Do you wanna buy a bridge?
> >>
> >>  Neil Jones
> >>  neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
> >>
> >>
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> -- 
> Souky
> Designer, Nature Depot, Inc.
> http://www.TheNatureDepot.com


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