$0 funding for State Wildlife Grants proposed in FY '11 Continuing Resolution
Roger Kuhlman
rkuhlman at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 19 15:50:09 EST 2011
> On 17/02/2011 21:18, Roger Kuhlman wrote:
> > Why is it that only now that Obama wants to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund? Something is fishy here methinks.
> >
> > Our country has a major problem with excessive spending and a huge national debt. The US can't keep on borrowing and spending. It has got to stop since this practice is unsustainable. Frightening facts: over $14 trillion of accumulated federal debt, $1.6 trillion federal deficit for FY2011, expected federal deficits of $1 trillion for the next few years, Unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare, and government pensions $60+ trillion, unknown huge additional liabilities for Medicaid and Obama's new healthcare entitlements.
> >
> > I would like to know why concerned, major environmental and conservation organizations are not pushing to stop human population growth in America. Human overpopulation is one of the two most powerful drivers of environmental problems but these groups are virtually silent on the issue.
> >
> > Roger
> It is not the size of the population that is so much the problem but the
> consumption per head of population. If everyone on Earth consumed like
> the Americans it would take seven Earths to supply the resources.
> Clearly it isn't sustainable.
> Neil Jones
> neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
If everyone in the world consumed at the average level of England, we would be shot too. Good luck convincing everybody in the world from wanting and seeking present American levels of consumption. It ain't going to happen so yes the size of the human population is just as important as its level of consumption. Smaller levels of human population mean that the various peoples of the earth can enjoy higher lifestyles and consume more of what they want and still have it all remain in the area of long-term ecological sustainability.
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