Chris' Big Butterfly Year

chris kline kline_at_pine at
Mon Feb 28 08:15:28 EST 2011

Hi Charlie,
I'll be at the CAZBA annual count at Boyce Thompson Arboretum in AZ the weekend after Labor Day, but will be passing through KY the next weekend.  I am planning on being in Bowling Green, Ky the night of Fri., Sept 19.  If you have some good sites to suggest, I'd love to try to visit them.  Or, if I can tie in with any Kentucky folks that Saturday the 20th, that would be great!


Chris Kline 
Sugar Grove, Ohio

--- On Sun, 2/27/11, Charles V Covell Jr. <covell at> wrote:

From: Charles V Covell Jr. <covell at>
Subject: Re: Chris' Big Butterfly Year
To: hmcguinness at, kline_at_pine at
Cc: pwolterb at, mpavelin at, LEPS-L at, tlpyle at, OV-Leps at, SoWestLep at
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2011, 4:37 PM

Hi Chris and gang:

What, no Kentucky visit?  The Ky. Lepidopterists would welcome your joining them in their fall field trip, which will probably be the weekend after Labor Day weekend.  We normally record at least 60 butterfly species over the weekend.  Why not y'all join the Soc. of Ky. Lepidopterists (a paltry $12 per year for online, $15 for paper, newsletters), and join us.  We visited the newly discovered colony of _Phyciodes phaon_ last Sept.  And we DO go for moths, too.   Dues go to Les Ferge, Treasurer, whom you can contact at lesferge at

Butterflies are flying here at last in Gainesville, FL.  Spring is "just around the corner."

Cheers, Charlie

>>> Hugh McGuinness 02/27/11 6:18 PM >>>

Why limit yourself to such a large extent? Do a big moth year over the same route! ;)


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 5:49 PM, chris kline <kline_at_pine at> wrote:

Hello all,
I am in the process of planning a big butterfly year for myself.  Most of my travels will focus on the Ohio River Valley, but I will be making a trip to AZ (from Ohio) and back the first 18 days of September.  
I am hopeful that folks on the list can suggest some great places to go lepping as I travel across the country.  I have also gleaned some ideas from Bob Pyle's Mariposa Road book.  I will be on the motorcycle, so I cannot do any major off roading, but short distances on gravel will be ok if necessary.
Here is my general route-
First week of September:
central Ohio
central Indiana
central Illinois
southern Iowa
southern Nebraska
eastern & southern Colorado
northern & western NM
southern NM
across TX on I-20
northern Louisiana
western Mississippi
western Tennessee
central KY, west to east
I would appreciate any and all suggestions.  Plus, if you would recommend a route change, like northern Kansas rather than southern Nebraska, please include that as well.  I hope to have a Facebook site put together shortly that will list out the trips for the year.  Hopefully some of you can join me at different sites!  THX in advance.


Chris Kline 
Sugar Grove, Ohio

Hugh McGuinness
The Ross School
18 Goodfriend Drive
East Hampton, NY 11937

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