Parts of the Coronado Natl Forest (SE AZ) reopen tomorrow

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at
Wed Jul 13 00:14:21 EDT 2011

See for latest updates

Pena Blanca still closed, as is the Patagonia-Harshaw area and the Huachucas


Areas Affected by Wildfire and the Sierra Vista Ranger District Remain Closed,
Fire Restrictions in Effect for all Open Areas

TUCSON, AZ (July 12, 2011) – Three ranger districts on the Coronado National
Forest will reopen July 12.  The Santa Catalina Ranger District previously
reopened.  The Sierra Vista Ranger District remains closed.  All open areas
remain under Stage II Fire Restrictions.

Portions of the Douglas Ranger District are open.  The Chiricahua Mountains
remain closed to provide for public safety related to flooding and road
reconstruction or stabilization following the Horseshoe 2 Fire.  All roads,
trails, and developed campgrounds within the Chiricahua Mountain Range north of
Forest Road 74 (Tex Canyon/Rucker roads) remain closed.  Within this area, the
following roads will be open for public use as long as safety conditions

FR 42 East of Onion Saddle (Cave Creek Canyon)
FR 42A – Herb Martyr Road
FR 42B – between Portal and Paradise .
FR 42D between Onion Saddle and Barfoot Junction
FR 357 from Barfoot Junction to Barfoot Park
FR 622 – South Fork of Cave Creek is open to pedestrians only.
FR 74 – Tex Canyon to Rucker Canyon Rd
Trail 280 – Silver Peak Trail
Vista Point Trail
Cave Creek Nature Trail
Crystal Cave Trail
This closure will remain in effect until October 15, 2011, or until rescinded,
whichever is earlier.

Portions of the Nogales Ranger District are open.  To allow for public safety,
Pena Blanca Lake remains closed, as does Forest Road 39 from Highway 289 (at
Pena Blanca Lake) to Forest Road 4186 (approximately one to one and one-half
miles east of Ruby, Arizona).  This closure will remain in effect until July
31, 2011, or until rescinded, whichever is earlier.

The Safford Ranger District is open.

All open areas of the Coronado National Forest remain under Stage II Fire

Current prohibitions on all ranger districts of the Coronado National Forest
Operating an internal combustion engine  (i.e., using generators)


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