information request for lepidoptera publications

Richard Worth rworth at
Tue Jun 14 11:56:26 EDT 2011

Hi Amanda,

Sorry for the delay.  If there are any copies left, Richard Reardon at  
the USFS is the person to obtain them from.  They were produced under  
the Forest Health and Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) program.   
Someone had mistakenly put my name in there as a contact when I helped  
them get copies years ago.   I apologize for any confusion.

I don't recall any for the specific title you mention but there were a  
number including:

Geometroid Caterpillars of Northeastern and Appalachian Forests
Caterpillars on the Foliage of Conifers in the Northeastern United  
Caterpillars of Pacific Northwest Forests and Woodlands (larvae only)
Macromoths of Pacific Northwest Forests and Woodlands (adults only)
Lepidoptera of the Pacific Northwest: caterpillars and adults  
(includes some butterflies and moths)

I hope this helps.

Thanks and best regards,  Richard

Richard Worth
Entomologist / Lepidopterist
Plant Division
Oregon Dept. of Agriculture
635 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR  97301
503-871-7108: cell
rworth at

So many moths, so little time...

On Jun 11, 2011, at 8:15 PM, Amanda Ambrus wrote:

> Richard,
> I am wanting to obtain a copy the publication listed below. If you  
> are able to issue this publication to me via mail, please send to  
> the address provided at the close of the email.
> Mackinac Island Butterfly House /Caterpillars of Eastern American  
> Forests
> I viewed this information on 
>  and am just following through on a recommendation from the link.  
> Hopefully I have interpreted the information from the link correctly.
> Regards
> Amanda Ambrus
> 903 Ivy Green Lane
> Marietta, GA 30067
> Phone: 404-759-5738

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