Guardian:Richard Benyon's 'war on ragwort' sparks fierce spat with ecologists
Neil Jones
neil at
Mon Sep 19 08:38:32 EDT 2011
Richard Benyon's 'war on ragwort' sparks fierce spat with ecologists
Minister for the natural environment forced to delete 'aggressive'
Facebook conversation thread
* Comments (1)
* John Vidal <>,
environment editor
* <>, Monday 19 September
2011 12.46 BST
* Article history
When the minister for the natural environment and fisheries,
Richard Benyon
last week posted a picture on Facebook of himself bravely pulling
up a ragwort plant
while being watched by a quizzical cow, he probably thought the
image of a true countryman being tough on weeds would go down well
with the voters.
After all, the pretty yellow plant that seems to spring up
overnight in fields and hedgerows, is classed as one of Britain's
most injurious, with a reputation for killing horses and grazing
animals who eat it. It has its own act of parliament
<> and code
and costs local councils and government agencies millions of
pounds a year to spray it with herbicides.
"I hate ragwort. It may not be the issue of the moment but I am on
the warpath for those who let this vile weed spread. Chief target
at the moment is the Highways Agency," wrote a confident Benyon on
the wall of his Facebook page
But the cheers did not ring out. Instead, the minister with
responsibility for biodiversity
<> found himself
in a fierce spat with some of Britain's leading ecologists. Within
hours of the post about the "vile weed", more than 30 people had
complained that he was ecologically illiterate, plain wrong or
perpetuating myths put out about the plant by herbicide companies.
"Minister of the natural environment!!!! You don't even seem to
know Defra's [the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs] guidance - get your facts straight - livestock are
generally only harmed if they eat the dried plants
<> in hay!", wrote Dusty
Gedge <>, a leading urban ecologist and
designer of green roofs. They attacked his science: "There is very
very clear science on meta-population dynamics that shows that
habitat loss with in a patchwork of habitats has a very severe
effect. There is a chapter on ragwort in one of the standard
textbooks," wrote another.
And they attacked his ecological knowledge: "At least 30 insect
and 14 fungi species are entirely reliant on ragwort, and about a
third of the insects are scarce or rare. Ragwort is also a
critically important nectar source for hundreds of species of
butterflies, bees, moths, flies and other invertebrates, helping
to maintain what remains of their much declined populations in the
UK countryside," said Matt Shardlow, director of invertebrate
society group Buglife <>.
But Newbury MP Benyon, whose family's estates earn around £200,000
a year in EU farm subsidies
was not backing down. Like his colleague Tory MP Nicholas Soames,
who in 2009 called
the "scourge" of ragwort a national "shame", Benyon struck back,
saying his critics were being "unnecessarily aggressive", and that
he wasn't advocating ethnic cleansing of ragwort but that he
wanted to deal with "a severe infestation of a poisonous plant".
That only infuriated people more. "There is a campaign against
ragwort. We are told that it kills hundreds or thousands of
animals a year. We are told it is dangerous to touch it or it can
give you cancer if you do. We are told it is a danger to dogs.
None of this is true", said one. "Actually there is not a severe
infestation of ragwort at the moment. There is a great deal of
increase in the hysteria but the last government countryside
survey actually shows a decrease. Ask your civil servants to check
it for you."
It was all too much for Benyon, who retired from the debate and,
shortly afterwards, deleted the thread on his Facebook wall.
The Highways Agency said it was baffled as to why Benyon had
picked on them. "We take ragwort seriously. Where we judge it a
risk we control it. This comes out of the blue," said a spokesman.
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