Butterflies of Brazil

John Shuey jshuey at TNC.ORG
Tue Apr 17 17:28:56 EDT 2012

Chris - all the books have serious problems.  The main problem is the complexity of the fauna.  I was just in Brasil last year - and they freely admit that they don't even have a comprehensive list of species known from the country.  That's a problem...

I'd recommend Kim Garwood's book - http://www.neotropicalbutterflies.com/ -as a first cut.  If you will be in the south, add on the Butterflies of Missiones Argentina (BioQuip sells this) and you will have a start.  These are exactly the two books that the Brazilians use in the south Atlantic forests.  Together, they cover the common species fairly well.


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John A Shuey
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From: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu] On Behalf Of chris kline
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 4:07 PM
To: Butterfly_and_Moth listserve; desertleps; OV-Leps at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Butterflies of Brazil


Is anyone aware of a good butterfly field guide/text for the butterflies of Brazil.  Looked online and could not really find anything.  THX


Chris Kline
Sugar Grove, Ohio
Follow my 2011 Big Butterfly Year on Facebook at Butterfly Rider or at http://butterflyrider.blogspot.com/

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