many red admirals in Wichita

Paul Cherubini monarch at
Tue Apr 17 18:10:53 EDT 2012

On Apr 17, 2012, at 2:37 PM, Dave Clermont wrote:

>  the 2nd/3rd generation is usually very low
> because of the parasitic flies expansion that follows,
> and potential lack of food available.

Dave, there will probably be a bumper crop of fresh
monarchs arriving really early this year (early-mid May)
in the northern latitudes like Quebec followed by even
larger 2nd generation numbers in late June and early

But then I'd be concerned that the late summer migratory
  generation of monarchs might be deminished
due to a build up of summer parasitic fly and
egg/caterpillar predator bug populations which MAY
follow warm winters and springs.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
If the parasites and predators do not overwhelm the
monarchs later this summer, then the migratory
population could be bigger than anything we have
seen since 2001.

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.


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