Countdown to Annual Monarch Armageddon Articles

Roger Kuhlman rkuhlman at
Fri Feb 24 16:59:36 EST 2012

Paul stick to providing your first-hand data and observations of Monarch migration and over-wintering. I find them very interesting, useful and knowledgeable. Diatribes against concerns over the viability of certain important Monarch populations and their spectacular migration patterns are not interesting or useful. Roger KuhlmanAnn Arbor, Michigan
 > From: monarch at
> Subject: Countdown to Annual Monarch Armageddon Articles
> Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 10:45:26 -0800
> To: LEPS-L at
> It's an annual ritual.  Every year in late winter newspapers across the
> nation and world are ablaze with articles about the dire situation of  
> the
> overwintering monarchs in Mexico and/or the difficulties the butterflies
> will face back in the USA due to drought, flood, freezes,
> heat waves, GMO crops etc.  And this year should be no different.
> The flood of articles could appear any day now - certainly within
> the next two weeks.
> So get ready to be frightened. The migration could be
> "on the brink" of collapse:
> Paul Cherubini
> El Dorado, Calif.
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