[Leps-l] South Asian Papilionidae photos needed

Kishen Das malabartreenymph at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 02:38:13 EDT 2013

Dear All,

We are trying to put the photos of all the South Asian Papilionidae on our
website www.flutters.org .
Please visit the home page of www.flutters.org and go through the missing
species list.
If you happen to have the field photo or the specimen photo of any missing
species, please mail it to malabartreenymph at gmail.com with location and
date details. I will upload it to the website with credits.
Btw I don't need the original photo.
Any photo with decent resolution that shows the wing pattern clearly is
good enough.

Currently majority of Parnassius is missing.

Thanks in advance,
Kishen Das
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