[Leps-l] Scientists, Farmers and Educators Ask President Obama to Jump Start Recovery of Monarch Butterflies

Matthew Shepherd mdshepherd at xerces.org
Mon Apr 14 12:00:33 EDT 2014

This morning a collaboration of monarch scientists, conservation groups,
and farmers sent a letter to President Obama asking that he follow through
on the pledge to protect monarch butterflies made with Mexican President
Enrique Peña Nieto and Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper at their
recent trilateral summit by launching a multi-agency initiative to restore
habitat for monarch butterflies on public and private lands. The letter was
also sent to the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior, who direct
five federal agencies that can implement this work: the Natural Resources
Conservation Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, Farm
Service Agency, and Bureau of Land Management.

To read the letter, click on

To read the media release, visit:


Today is also a day of contemplation and action to protect monarchs,
organized by Make Way for monarchs. For information, see




*Matthew Shepherd*, Communications Director

*The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation     *Protecting the Life
that Sustains Us

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mdshepherd at xerces.org

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international
nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of
invertebrates and their habitat. To join the Society, make a donation, or
read about our work, please visit www.xerces.org.
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