[Leps-l] odd projecting spine on micromoth?

Steve Johnson sjson at ptd.net
Mon Aug 11 15:45:21 EDT 2014

They are indeed tibial spines and the moth is Schreckensteinia festaliella. 
Seen commonly during the day but usually overlooked.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Hamilton Cox" <dhcox at nyx.net>
To: <leps-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 2:33 PM
Subject: [Leps-l] odd projecting spine on micromoth?

> I took this photo of what I assume is a moth on August 5, 2014, in Madison
> County Virginia:
> http://www.nyx.net/~dhcox/micromoth.jpg
> It was very small; found on white snakeroot, Ageratina altissima. What are
> those things projecting out from the sides -- tibial spurs or spines? Do
> some moths hold their legs out like that, or is this an individual 
> aberration?
> I've never seen anything like it.
> -David Cox
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