[Leps-l] Passing of Kenelm Philip, Fairbanks, AK

James Kruse jjkruse at alaska.edu
Mon Mar 17 10:08:07 EDT 2014

Entomology lost a true friend in Alaska. Ken Philip passed away in his home
on Thursday evening. He founded the Alaska Lepidoptera Survey, which had
over 600 volunteer collectors over the years. He was 82.


James J. Kruse, Ph.D.

Forest Entomologist

Fairbanks, Alaska

Currently on temporary duty:

USDA Forest Service, PNW Region 6

State & Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection

1220 SW 3rd Ave.

Portland, OR  97204

Office: 503-808-2674

Cell: 907-590-8823

jkruse at fs.fed.us
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