[Leps-l] Lepidopterist honored by The National Park Service: For imediate release

ronald huber huber033 at umn.edu
Tue Oct 7 15:16:06 EDT 2014

Recognition is long overdue !  You are an inspiration to all of us.
Warmest regards,

On 10/6/2014 8:23 PM, metzlere at msu.edu wrote:
> CARLSBAD, NM and ALAMOGORDO, NM - On Sept. 26 , National Park Service 
> volunteer researcher Eric Metzler received the National Park Service's 
> (NPS) Intermountain Regional Director's Award for Natural Resource 
> Research. This esteemed honor is in recognition of Mr. Metzler's 
> significant moth research at White Sands National Monument and 
> Carlsbad Caverns National Park. In 2007, Eric undertook a study to 
> survey and identify species of moths at these two national park units. 
> Eric's work exemplifies excellence in advancing and publishing 
> scientific research that furthers the goals of science and natural 
> resource management in the National Park Service.
> Metzler received the award because of key accomplishments in the field 
> of research: 1) discovering more than 600 species of moths, 36 of 
> which are new to science, and nearly all of the new species are 
> endemic in the dunes of White Sands; 2) developing a baseline database 
> for moth richness and diversity that helps NPS accomplish the all-taxa 
> inventory goals; 3) providing interpretive materials, seminars and 
> other formal presentations for both local and regional NPS staff; 4) 
> publishing nine scientific papers, and one paper for the general 
> public emphasizing the remarkable endemism of moths at White Sands and 
> 5) volunteering 1600+ hours annually at both parks.
> "Eric's scientific contributions inspire stewardship and collaboration 
> in the spirit of protection, preservation, and improvement of the 
> natural resources of White Sands National Monument and Carlsbad 
> Caverns National Park," said NPS Intermountain Regional Director, Sue 
> Masica.
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