[Leps-l] MJV's Monarchs on Native Nectar Plants photo contest!

Paul Cherubini monarch at saber.net
Fri Feb 27 14:07:25 EST 2015

Candace Fallon wrote:

> The Xerces Society is partnering with the Monarch Joint Venture
> on a photo contest to gather information on important nectar plants
> for monarchs throughout the continental U.S. Please help us gather
> information about monarchs on native nectar plants in your region!

Monarchs actually adore numerous non-native nectar plants.  The City
of Pacific Grove, California, courageously planted the following non-natives
at its world famous Monarch Grove Sanctuary overwintering site because
real world testing revealed the monarchs favor them over California natives.

Pride of Madiera (Echium spp.)


Yellow flowered Buddleia bushes:

Daisytree: (Montanoa grandiflora)

English Ivy: (Helix hedera)

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.

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