[Leps-l] Xanthorhoe packardata
Steve Nanz
steve at stevenanz.com
Wed Mar 18 10:37:45 EDT 2015
Hello Gary,
Did you ever get an answer to this:
"Greetings all
Does anyone out there actually know how to RELIABLY separate Xanthorhoe labradorensis from X. packardata WITHOUT gutting the little things????
If so I would love to hear from you before I get out the gutting kit and glue.
Gary Anweiler"
I noticed possible differences which I mentioned on a BugGuide image at: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__bugguide.net_node_view_789724&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=tVAKMFPe3UCcsMWUFXo0FeX0xe1JUAj77B74DAI3DKI&m=EwTd-irUZUf0Fupo1Z1WoKXZ2qzvSpnPR0kt7N5hJ-U&s=rHo_8PVsB1yyzY_VY_RQAAmbWJ8gqIZvGPb3bXOtH90&e=
Best Regards,
Steve nanz
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