[Leps-l] Grants resource for Leps-L members

Angela Braren angela at instrumentl.com
Tue Mar 15 13:17:09 EDT 2016

Hi Leps-L,

I wanted to reach out to any of you who are looking for research grants for
an upcoming project. I know searching for funding is tough and applying is
even tougher.

My team at Instrumentl
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__t.yesware.com_tt_662c6da5514e1e190020486b7cbdcf056fa8d716_9ab4397d52ee3f5abdba974538a20d1a_761bf6f281a7ca3338d6d03c7532737f_bit.ly_1SNHsjb&d=AwIBaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=tVAKMFPe3UCcsMWUFXo0FeX0xe1JUAj77B74DAI3DKI&m=cxaBKfxqAulS3ZNAz77kyk8ZczG3M6mzqF9MwCi8Hzw&s=PZJWfcP27MvombHiWybz9Iup-JZI7WRVeX5N1d8WU0w&e= >
built a way to solve this problem (because we experienced it ourselves as
scientists). Our grant-matching service helps researchers find and apply to
grants that are well-matched for their specific type of research and makes
the whole application process dead simple (no more formatting!)

We specialize in helping wildlife and conservation researchers and so want
to offer a free trial month to Leps-L members. (We normally charge a $39
monthly subscription fee). Just visit the site
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__t.yesware.com_tt_662c6da5514e1e190020486b7cbdcf056fa8d716_9ab4397d52ee3f5abdba974538a20d1a_90d04fdf2334904c688376993615941d_bit.ly_1SNHsjb&d=AwIBaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=tVAKMFPe3UCcsMWUFXo0FeX0xe1JUAj77B74DAI3DKI&m=cxaBKfxqAulS3ZNAz77kyk8ZczG3M6mzqF9MwCi8Hzw&s=75bCyxRz9Wc5FdZc0Vj3nfmU8MHoYeIGOcgSxtjfQ4I&e= >,
"Request Access," mention Leps-L and we'll get you hooked up :)

Feel free to email me directly if you have any questions (
angela at instrumentl.com).

All my best,

Angela Braren
Co-founder @ Instrumentl
angela.braren (skype)
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