[Leps-l] Tropical Lepidoptera Research archives - new and improved home

Sourakov,Andrei asourakov at flmnh.ufl.edu
Thu Jul 13 16:01:58 EDT 2017

We have added archives of Tropical Lepidoptera Research to Florida Online Journals (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__journals.fcla.edu_&d=DwIFAw&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=2TgkL-kDvK8_1CKoCZaGJtt5OAFrKEW2C28jvhO6qm4&m=ejqqMNzgE5UvmvLkZkidddLY3MVFgGV4dTo8is3zA2c&s=jolOxgc3syAZ_Afk8ca5ZR14eEHvnARAroGUocFEJFY&e= ).

The process involved archiving every issue going back to the beginning of the journals in 1990, and all but the latest issues can be now accessed via a single page, as for example:


with a PDF of every article through the penultimate archived issue available for downloading, as for example:


Andrei Sourakov, Ph.D.
McGuire Center, FLMNH

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