[Leps-l] Now Accepting Applications: The Xerces Society's 2018 DeWind Awards for Lepidoptera Research
Candace Fallon
candace.fallon at xerces.org
Wed Nov 1 13:47:10 EDT 2017
The Joan Mosenthal DeWind Award
The Xerces Society is now accepting applications for two $3,750 awards for
research into Lepidoptera conservation.
The DeWind Awards are given to students who are engaged in research leading
to a university degree related to Lepidoptera conservation and who intend
to continue to work in this field. All proposals must be written by the
student researcher. Proposed research should have a clear connection to
Lepidoptera conservation and must be completed within one year from
receiving funds. Applicants may be graduate or undergraduate students;
however, please note that all but one awardee, to date, have been pursuing
graduate research. Applications from countries outside the United States
will be considered but must be written in English and international
applicant work cannot involve work in the United States.
Submission Deadline for 2018 Awards
The submission deadline is Sunday, December 31, 2017, at 11:59 PM PST.
Award winners will be announced by March 31, 2018, with the awards given by
May 2018.
Instructions for Submitting the Proposal
All proposals must be submitted by email to dewind at xerces.org. The proposal
should be attached as a single file in PDF format. The subject line of the
email should read "DeWind Award Proposal 2018."
Proposal Format (all text should use 12 pt font and one inch margins)
1. Cover page (1 page)
a. Title. List the title in Bold.
b. Contact information. Provide the name and contact information for the
applicant and his or her major advisor. Include institutional affiliations,
complete mailing address, and country. Also provide an email address and
telephone number (include country code if outside the United States).
c. Abstract. Include a project summary immediately following the title and
contact information. The summary should be limited to 100 words and should
not exceed one paragraph.
2. Proposal body (2 pages). Begin with a clear statement of the problem or
objectives, follow with a clear methods section, and end with a substantial
conclusion. The proposal should include a discussion of potential
conservation applications and results, and what products, if any, will
result from this work.
3. Additional information. On separate pages, please include all of the
following information: cited literature, detailed project budget, project
timeline, and a short (2 pages or less) CV. It is the goal of the DeWind
Award that the funds be used for direct research-related expenses; overhead
and/or administrative fees are considered ineligible.
4. Please include all of the materials as a single attachment. No other
attachments or supporting materials should be included.
For more information, to download a PDF of the submission guidelines, and
to read summaries of previous award winning projects, please visit
*Candace Fallon*
Senior Conservation Biologist
Endangered Species Program
*Protecting the Life that Sustains Us*
628 NE Broadway, Suite 200, Portland, OR, 97232 USA
Tel: (503) 232-6639 ext. 118 <(503)%20232-6639> | Fax: (503) 233-6794
*xerces.org* <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.xerces.org_&d=DwIBaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=2TgkL-kDvK8_1CKoCZaGJtt5OAFrKEW2C28jvhO6qm4&m=zI1U3a5mJaVVoxGY04Et_vqia-j8rtWOPYF_FcOCHgQ&s=ErbCDvaUYVX6pN2qWeK7HrYSfvWDFEy4UMblF5Fsusw&e=> *Facebook*
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