[Leps-l] Fwd: california

Wehling, Wayne F - APHIS Wayne.F.Wehling at aphis.usda.gov
Mon Apr 30 10:54:33 EDT 2018


Your question about buying butterflies has been directed to me for a response.  There are a number of butterfly producers that can sell butterflies to California residence.  You might start with a California producer.  There are several listed at this web page of the International Butterfly Breeders Association:


These producers could provide you will any native California species without any permits from the USDA.

There are 6 butterfly species that can be sourced from outside California.  These include; the Gulf Fritillary, Monarch, Mourning Cloak, Painted Lady, American Lady, and Red Admiral.  These species could be distributed to you based on USDA permits held by the supplier.

There are also some silkmoth species that are distributed by commercial biological supply companies and do not require a USDA permit for their customer.  For butterflies or moths I would check out (in on particular order), Ward’s Natural History, Carolina Biological Supply, Connecticut Valley Biological Supply, Insect Lore, and Swallowtail Farms to name a few.

Other species could be obtained with a USDA permit.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Wayne Wehling Ph D
Senior Entomologist
Plant Protection and Quarantine
Pests, Pathogen, and Biological Control Permits
4700 River Road, Unit 133
Riverdale, MD 20737

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <qdusastre at deserthotspringscan.org<mailto:qdusastre at deserthotspringscan.org>>
Date: Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 4:06 PM
Subject: california
To: info at lepsoc.org<mailto:info at lepsoc.org>

Hi there,

My kids fell in love hatching painted ladies from our local childrens museum, we now have a plethora of butterfly and moth books, I was wondering if you know of a place or website where we could get a hold of other species to hatch here in California?


Quentin Dusastre

Executive Coordinator



MY NEW EMAIL IS Quentin at CoachellaValleyCan.org<mailto:Quentin at CoachellaValleyCan.org> PLEASE UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS BOOK 😊

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