[Leps-l] Bob Pyle reception and reading for Magdalena Mountain

Todd Gilligan tgilliga at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 15:42:00 EDT 2018

 Just an announcement for anyone that might be interested...

Robert Michael Pyle's First Novel - *Magdalena Mountain*
Sept 8   A book-launch reception, reading, and signing will be held for*
Robert Michael Pyle's first novel *among his twenty-two books,* Magdalena
Mountain, *at Meeker Park Lodge. *Saturday, September 8, 2-5 p.m.,* with
the reading at 3. Part of the action of the book takes place in this exact
location, and much of it was written here too.
Meeker Park Lodge is located between Estes Park and Allenspark (Colorado)
on the Peak to Peak Highway (Hwy 7).
Light refreshments will be served.

Other dates and locations:
Sept 11, Tuesday 7:00 p.m. - Tattered Cover, Denver LoDo
Sept 12, Wednesday 6:00 p.m. - Old Firehouse Books, 232 Walnut St., Ft

Further details -

Jan Chu 2chuhouse2 at gmail.com
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