[Leps-l] Junonia coenia adult lifespan

jeff at mineralmovies.com jeff at mineralmovies.com
Sat Feb 6 19:23:30 EST 2021

I live in Connecticut and late this NOVEMBER, the 27th, a single adult
Junonia coenia came to my front door to sun itself.  It was clearly a new
emerged adult, with the late summer/fall rose red coloration on the hindwing
undersides.  I brought it inside as it would certainly die in a day or two
here in Connecticut (too cold).  I am wondering if anyone knows more about
the lifespan of the last generation of J. coenia?

*	Scott mentions adults live a couple of weeks in nature and up to a
month in the lab.

*	Opler mentions the late summer/fall generation may live much longer
than the other generations.

My buckeye is now tattered and worn, but still alive after 70 days,
surviving on a feeding of sugar water almost daily.

Jeff Fast
www.MineralMovies.com <http://www.MineralMovies.com> 
(860) 985 - 6321

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