[Leps-l] live Symmerista females/eggs needed (Notodontidae)

David Dussourd dussourd at uca.edu
Wed May 26 12:09:27 EDT 2021

For research on the leaf-clipping behaviors of notodontid caterpillars, I
am trying to acquire eggs of *Symmerista albifrons, S. canicosta*, and/or *S.
leucitys*.  If anyone is blacklighting this summer or fall, I would be
thrilled to provide a copy of my permit from APHIS for importing live adult
females, eggs, or caterpillars of any of the three species to Arkansas from
other states and to reimburse overnight postage expenses. Please send
emails to dussourd at uca.edu and mail *Symmerista* females/eggs/caterpillars
overnight to David Dussourd, Department of Biology, 180 Lewis Science
Center, University of Central Arkansas, Bruce Street, Conway, AR  72035.

Thank you and happy collecting!  David

Dr. David Dussourd
Department of Biology
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR  72035
dussourd at uca.edu
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