[Leps-l] "Adventures in New Mexico Butterflies" - ABF Presentation tonight - Apr. 25 @ 7pm CST

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 14:22:13 EDT 2022


First, I want to thank John Acorn for his excellent presentation last month
on "The Ways in which Butterflies Fly". We had a bit of technical
difficulties initially, which John later determined were due to his service
provider. Fortunately, John powered through, and we all enjoyed the
majority of his insightful lecture!

We hope Steve Cary's much anticipated presentation tonight will be glitch

Note, there will be NO in-person meeting this month. Zoom only.

Our meetings (in person or via Zoom) are open to all, hope you can join us!



April Meeting - Monday, April 25th, at 7 pm (Central Time)

Adventures in New Mexico Butterflies -- presented by Steve Cary.

Born and raised in the Upper Midwest, Steve earned his M.S. at the
University of Wisconsin. After coming to New Mexico in 1980, Steve worked
professionally for 35 years in resource management, environmental
protection and nature conservation. Butterflies have always been Steve’s
passion and he has published a variety of scientific and popular articles
on his favorite creatures. Through countless butterfly talks and guided
walks, he has become New Mexico's Butterfly Guy. New Mexico Magazine
published his book, Butterfly Landscapes of New Mexico, in 2009. He
self-published a biography of 19th-Century naturalist Winslow Howard in
2020. For the last two years he has been blogging about New Mexico
butterflies and collaborating with Mike Toliver to assemble an on-line
field guide to Butterflies of New Mexico.

Check out some of his work at Pajarito Environmental Education

Join Zoom Meeting Here (starting around 6:30 pm Central Time


Link is also on the Austin Butterfly Forum home page:


Mike Quinn, vp programs and acting president
Austin Butterfly Forum
512-577-0250 - cell
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