[Leps-l] NYTimes article on the NABA butterfly park

MexicoDoug mexicodoug at aol.com
Mon Feb 7 12:40:40 EST 2022

 Roger, I agree with you. LEPS-L clearly has lost the scientific relevance it once brought to many and this last exchange illustrates where it is today. Unfortunately it has always had political comments, though I thought it was meant to be a research list server. The problem is really that scientific and professional content are devoid on the list compared to the heyday and all that is left, is posting of opinions and newspaper articles as if they were peer reviewed unbiased research. I just wish we could all get along. Respect each other’s desire not to use Leps-l as a platform, lol!!!
On the bright side those perceiving a threat to butterflies can put their money where their mouths are, spread the word, give the butterfly park some traction on social media, and donate with the purpose of suing our government more (a major activity of the park), earn salaries in their moral mission, and take a vacation from doing any fieldwork because of the lurking dangers on the border. It is a cold time of year now so the time is right. 
Most of the good butterflying there is in the late summer when tropical butterflies wander up in their range. I haven’t checked but it probably is not very photogenic due to cold weather, so I’m kind of glad it’s closed- but that is speculation since I haven’t been for a few months! It’s a cool habitat. Gone are the days where you needed to write grants to justify needs and got peer review. It’s a new world out there, and everyone is fighting for survival.CheersDoug

    On Monday, February 7, 2022, 08:45:57 AM PST, Mike Quinn <entomike at gmail.com> wrote:  
I appreciate the call for no politics, but this article, concerning south Texas butterfly habitat, ran on the front page of Sunday’s NYTimes so I don’t think it’s something that we as a group should ignore though individuals are more than welcome to do as they wish. 
Mike Quinn, Austin
On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 12:34 AM Roger Kuhlman <rkuhlman at hotmail.com> wrote:

I think all this talking about Not Following the Science and Science is the intellectual enemy only amounts to Extremist Leftist Political Propagandizing for Leftist Political Power. I find it very offensive and wish to not see it in intelligent discussions of butterflies, their natural habitats, and ways of life. Do you think we can cool this line of politics?
Sincerely,Roger KuhlmanAnn Arbor, MichiganFrom: Leps-l <leps-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of Metzler, Eric H. <MetzlerEH at si.edu>
Sent: Sunday, February 6, 2022 7:37 PM
To: Mike Quinn <entomike at gmail.com>; Leps-L <leps-l at mailman.yale.edu>; TXBL <TX-BUTTERFLY at listserv.uh.edu>; TXENTO <TX-ENTO at listserv.uh.edu>
Subject: Re: [Leps-l] NYTimes article on the NABA butterfly park I attribute this situation to a weird association of butterflies and science where science is the intellectual enemy.
I suggest our educational system is failing us by not ensuring students learn critical thinking.  The conspiracy theorists were always there yet remained below the surface until emboldened by the thinking of the administration between 2016 and 2020. In my department back in the 1980s one of my colleagues and close friends would return from meetings with the folks who used our research and accumulated knowledge to teach. He would return to his office and always say "Fictitious but true." There are facts and there is the truth. Each person must decide based upon their education and indoctrination, at home, at school, socially, and church if they attend one. In our small city of 35,000 people, 2/3 are right-wing well-meaning people, and less than 50% are vaccinated. There is one very low wattage church chat show. I regularly listen because I want to know what the 2/3 right leaning people are hearing. The stuff that is broadcast is scary. One so-called news-on-the-hour broadcast said people should not get vaccinated for COVID because every vaccinated person dies. No doubt a true statement and reveals no critical thinking.
I work hard to teach my students to research and think. I touch so few students compared to the thousands of people who join the masses of conspiracy theorists. My former neighbor, a very nice man, from across the street insisted planes from China were flying overhead daily to spread the COVID virus. Then in the next sentence he said COVID doesn't exist. Critical thinking? I think not. I recently attended his funeral after COVID caused his death.

>From sunny southern New Mexico.
EricEric H. MetzlerFrom: Leps-l <leps-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of Mike Quinn <entomike at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 6, 2022 4:47 PM
To: Leps-L <leps-l at mailman.yale.edu>; TXBL <TX-BUTTERFLY at listserv.uh.edu>; TXENTO <TX-ENTO at listserv.uh.edu>
Subject: [Leps-l] NYTimes article on the NABA butterfly park 
External Email - Exercise Caution
How the National Butterfly Center Became the Center of Online Lies - The New York Timeshttps://nyti.ms/3otxXeB
Mike Quinn, Austin-- 
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