[Leps-l] Strymon acis bartrami, was NYTimes article on the NABA butterfly park

Neil Jones neil at aurinia.co.uk
Thu Feb 10 07:21:54 EST 2022

On 09/02/2022 21:53, Dana, Robert (DNR) wrote:
> . She presented three stories of work she has been involved in aimed 
> at averting extirpation/extinction of butterfly taxa--Strymon acis 
> bartrami, Neomympha mitchellii francisci, and Speyeria zerene 
> hippolyta. All three are habitat specialists whose habitats we have 
> nearly eliminated, with the remnant fragments widely scattered. A 
> crucial aspect of the decline in these butterfly populations, besides 
> the direct destruction of habitat, is the elimination of 
> landscape-scale dynamics that produced and maintained these habitats.

There is an interesting paper on the hairstreak here 

It is one gorgeous butterfly.  I am reminded of William Beebe's famous 
words on extinction. :-

"/The beauty and genius of a work of art may be reconceived, though its 
first material expression be destroyed; a vanished harmony may yet again 
inspire the composer; but when the last individual of a race of living 
beings breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass 
before such a one can be again."/

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