[Leps-l] NYTimes article on the NABA butterfly park

Paul Cherubini monarch at saber.net
Sun Feb 13 19:44:55 EST 2022

> Most people familiar with the sudden decline attribute it to an external factor,
> like near surface water contaminations by noenicitinoids… or airborne drift . 

Some butterflies continue to be abundant where neonicotinoid insecticides 
are used heavily on a region wide scale; e.g. on the corn & soybean 
croplands of the upper Midwest.

Late last August 2021 I shot this video of monarchs migrating Southwest in 
south-central Minnesota at the rate of 20 butterflies per minute:
https://youtu.be/Q1ugyulER6Q <https://youtu.be/Q1ugyulER6Q>

And in Sept. 2020 a farmer in south-central Minnesota shot this video of 
hundreds of monarch nectaring on some Liatris ligulistylis flowers
he planted. https://youtu.be/CDun70cjAK0 <https://youtu.be/CDun70cjAK0>
Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.
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