[Leps-l] James Adams presentation on the continuing saga of Dinumma deponens - Monday, May 23 @ 7pm EST

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Sun May 22 17:16:05 EDT 2022

Greetings Lep Enthusiasts,

Anyone wanting a quick Lep info fix, please consider tuning into the
following Zoom presentation:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86426006695 - (Link is the same each month and is
also posted on the Austin Butterfly Forum homepage)

James Adams is a repeat speaker for the Austin Butterfly Forum. This month
James will give a fun presentation on the spread across se. US of a
Noctuoid moth first collected in the US by James and a colleague in Georgia
in 2012, Last year it was recorded at Tyler State Park in ne. Texas!

Title: "*Dinumma deponens* in the U.S.: the continuing saga.  Contributions
from social media and citizen science"

Bio: James Adams is a Lepidopterist and Professor of Biology (1990-present
), Dalton State College, Dalton, Georgia. He grew up in Missouri and has
three degrees: B.S. (1983), M.Phil. (1987), Ph.D. (1990), all from Univ. of
Kansas. James is a specialist in “Macro” lepidoptera (esp. Noctuoidea), of
Georgia and Kansas and has amassed a collection of 60,000+ prepared
He was the 2004/05 president of the Lepidopterists Society and has
co-authored the description of new species of moths from Georgia and the

James' presentation should last ~30 minutes.

Attached photo by Audrey R. Hoff © 2013

Mike Quinn, vp programs
Austin Butterfly Forum
entomike at gmail.com
512-577-0250 - voice/text
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