[Leps-l] Moths of the Trinity River NWR (50 mi e. of Houston) ABF Zoom - Monday, Feb 27th @ 7 pm

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 21:21:21 EST 2023


*Austin Butterfly Forum Zoom-only meeting*

*Monday, February 27th, at 7 pm*

*Moths of the Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge -- The Good, Bad, and
the Ugly*

*Presented by Stuart Marcus, **Zone 6 Coordinator for the Lepidopterists'

This talk will discuss Refuge moths found in Liberty County, 50 miles east
of Houston.

*Biography:  *My ten plus years of mothing started when I moved to a new
office located on the Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge in 2012. I was
amazed at all these unknown critters showing up under the security lights.
My curiosity soon turned into a passion. It is now, as my wife jokingly
says, an obsession! I have always been interested in all types of wildlife
and got a degree in Wildlife Biology from the University of Florida in
1977. After working a short stint with the U.S. Forest Service in 1978, I
started my career with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1979, retiring
in 2019 with over 40 years of service. I worked at 4 refuges in Florida and
then moved to Texas in 1994 as the Refuge Manager to start the newly
created Trinity River Refuge in Liberty County with an initial purchase of
4,400 acres. When I retired, we had surpassed 30,000 acres. Honestly,
during the last decade of my career, I was getting a little bored with all
the administrative and personnel work I had to do. Lo and behold, moths
showed up at the new office after working in town at a storefront for 18
years. Now I could get back to some biology!

I consider myself an avid citizen scientist, primarily photographing moth
species at a single light setup. All the photos are sent to various
websites for additional identifications and comments. I have also collected
numerous species for various researchers over the years who have contacted
me. I started a butterfly count on the refuge in 1995 and continue to do a
yearly survey with help from some local butterfly enthusiasts.
Additionally, in 2020 I became the Zone 6 coordinator for the
Lepidopterists’ Society and a Texas Master Naturalist.

*Zoom Meeting Link:*

*Please log onto Zoom as early as 6:30 to hear/participate in an informal
chat with other enthusiasts and our speaker.*

[image: NOCTUIDAE - Cydosia aurivitta - Gold-banded Cydosia (Female) -
Hodges#8999 at HQ cropped 9-18-20 SJM RAW (3) iNat done RG.JPG]
NOCTUIDAE - *Cydosia aurivitta* - Gold-banded Cydosia (Female)  - Stuart

Mike Quinn, vp programs
Austin Butterfly Forum
entomike at gmail.com
512-577-0250 voice/text
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