[Leps-l] Now accepting applications: The Xerces Society's 2025 DeWind Awards for Lepidoptera Research

Kevin Burls kevin.burls at xerces.org
Mon Nov 4 14:51:15 EST 2024

Now accepting applications for 2025 DeWind Awards

The Xerces Society offers annual awards to support students pursuing
educational research in Lepidoptera conservation. This year, the awards
will be $10,000 each, with two awards available. We're investing in the
future of our planet and our field by sponsoring the next generation of
butterfly and moth conservationists through these grants. For full award
information and instructions visit https://xerces.org/dewind.

Submission Requirements:

Submission Deadline: The submission deadline is Tuesday, January 7, 2025,
at 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST). Award winners will be announced by
March 31, 2025, with initial award payments received by recipients by June

For full award information and instructions visit https://xerces.org/dewind
. Our FAQs page can be viewed here:  https://xerces.org/dewind/faqs.

The Joan Mosenthal DeWind Awards are given to students who are engaged in
studies and research leading to a university degree related to Lepidoptera
conservation and who intend to continue to work in this field. All
proposals must be written by the student researcher. Proposed research
should have a clear connection to Lepidoptera conservation and must be
completed within one year from receiving funds. Applicants may be graduate
or undergraduate students; however, please note that all but one awardee,
to date, have been pursuing graduate research. Applications from countries
outside the United States will be considered but must be written in English
and international applicant work cannot involve work in the United States.


*Kevin Burls*

Endangered Species Conservation Biologist

Pronouns: he/him/his


Protecting the Life That Sustains Us

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