[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Panel on Yiddish politics at ACJS--call for papers

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Tue Dec 23 20:20:21 EST 2008

MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature
Personal Notices and Announcements

Dec. 23, 2008

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
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From: remargolis at aol.com
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:57:24 -0500
Subject: Call for papers: panel on Yiddish politics at Association of 
Jewish Studies Annual Conference

This year's Association for Canadian Jewish Studies annual conference, 
taking place in Ottawa, will include a special panel on Yiddish in 
Canadian political life, broadly defined.  This panel will take place 
during the Community Day on Sunday, May 24 at the Soloway Jewish Community 

Presentations should discuss some aspect of the intersections between 
Yiddish and any and all parts of the Jewish ideological spectrum, from 
Communist to Ultra-Orhothodox. Presenters may also be invited to submit 
their papers for publication in a special issue of the Canadian Jewish 
Studies Journal edited by Faith Jones and Rebecca Margolis.

Please submit your proposals to me following the procedure outlined in the 
call for papers below:

Call for papers:  Association for Canadian Jewish Studies annual 
conference, May 24-26, 2009, Ottawa

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) will be holding its 
33rd Annual Conference May 24-26, 2009 at Carleton University in Ottawa as 
part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference 
provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish 
history, life and culture. Individuals are invited to send proposals for 
paper presentations twenty minutes in length (approximately 2,000 words) 
that concern some aspect of the Canadian Jewish experience.

Potential presenters are asked to submit an abstract, 400-500 words in 
length, by January 7, 2009. The abstract, which will be reviewed 
anonymously, should clearly state the main argument of the paper. 
Communication with presenters following the abstract submission will occur 
no later than February 16, 2009. University students are asked to send an 
accompanying letter of support from their academic advisor. Submission of 
full panels (3-4 papers) will be given priority.

Partial financial support to defray travel costs is available for 
presenters who have been members of the ACJS for at least one full year 
(NB: university students are exempt from this requirement). University 
students are eligible for additional top-up support in the way of 
ACJS-sponsored scholarships. Applications for financial support will be 
due in early March, with results to be communicated by the end of March. 
Details will follow.

All presenters must be current members of ACJS at the time that proposals 
are submitted (i.e. January 7, 2009). Proposals from individuals who are 
not members of ACJS will not be reviewed. Membership information for ACJS 
can be found on our website: http://www.acjs-aejc.ca/membership.html

As the ACJS annual conference is part of the larger national conference 
body called the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, ACJS 
conference participants must register in advance for the Congress by 
paying the required fees for both the general Congress registration and 
the ACJS conference registration. Early bird registration rates are 
available before April 1, 2009. Presentations from individuals who have 
not pre-registered for the Congress will not be included in our 
Preliminary Conference Program.

Please e-mail proposals to Prof. Rebecca Margolis, Program Chair: 
rmargoli at uottawa.ca

Rebecca Margolis, Assistant Professor
Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Program, University of Ottawa
52 University #205, Ottawa, ON  K1N 7L1 Canada
E-mail: rmargoli at uOttawa.ca

Please do not use the "reply" key when responding to Personal Notices &
Announcements. Instead, write directly to the person or organization
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New material for Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements, i.e.
announcements of events, commercial publications, etc., always in plain
text (no HTML or the like) to:

     victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)

Material responding to postings on Mendele Yiddish literature and
language, or new inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity 

      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to appear 
in your posting.  No posting will appear without its author's name.

In order to spare time and effort, the shamosim  request that contributors 
adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to standard English 
punctuation, grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of transliteration into 
the Roman alphabet.

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