[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Yale Strom, Elizabeth Schwartz & Adam Del Monte in Concert in Los Angeles, Dec. 5
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Dec 3 15:24:29 EST 2009
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
Dec. 3, 2009
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Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 17:38:47 -0500
From: ericarthur at aol.com
Subject: Strom & Schwartz & Del Monte concert in Los Angeles, Dec. 5
Yale Strom, Elizabeth Schwartz & Adam Del Monte in Concert
Saturday, December 5th @ 8 pm
Arbeter Ring, 1525 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.
Pre-Khaneke Concert with Your Favorite Klezmer Musicians!
Don't miss a chance to hear Yale Strom, Elizabeth Schwartz, and renowned
guitarist Adam Del Monte in an initimate pre-Khaneke concert. Yale and
Elizabeth know
how to bring down the house, with a real yidishe tam (Yiddish flavor).
An award-winning musician, author, filmmaker and scholar, this
maverick does so many things with such great skill and vision that [Yale
Strom] is in a league of his own.~@~] -George Varga, music critic of the
San Diego Union-Tribune
Schwartz's smoky tones could single-handedly revive the magic of
Yiddish songs. Like the pied-piper, she draws you in to the nuances and
beauty of the music.
-San Diego Jewish Journal
Gifted musicians, crusaders for Jewish song and culture, Yale, Elizabeth
and Adam will wow you with a holiday concert to be remembered. You'll come
for the music, but stay for the hilarious shtik and the spirit that will
have you up and dancing! $15 for Arbeter Ring members, $20 for the public,
reservations recommended!
Located at 1525 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, Arbeter Ring
(Workmen~@~Ys Circle) has been active in Southern California since 1908,
dedicated to Jewish culture and social justice. For more information about
the Ring and its activities call 310.552.2007 or e-mail
circle at circlesocal.org.
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