[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--"More than an Echo, or, , English in Yiddish in America, " in new book by L. Rosenwald
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Sat Jan 31 21:24:57 EST 2009
MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature
Personal Notices and Announcements
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Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 16:33:31 -0500
From: Lawrence A. Rosenwald <lrosenwald at wellesley.edu>
Dear friends, tayere khaveyrim,
It occurs to me that some readers of Mendele might be interested in a
recent book of mine; it's called _Multilingual America: Language and the
Making of American Literature_, and was published in October by Cambridge
University Press. Its longest chapter, called "More than an Echo, or,
English in Yiddish in America," is about how Jewish American writing in
Yiddish represents English, or rather the relations between the two
languages; it first looks at a broad variety of texts (glossaries, essays
on Yiddish usage, short stories), then focuses on the American chapters of
Sholem Aleichem's _Motl_. (The subsequent chapter, on translating
multilingual texts, contains some reflections on how _Motl_ has been
I'd also note that the cover, which can be seen at
http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521721615 (which
is also where you can go to order the book, if you're interested)
reproduces a brilliant, beautiful, festive _New Yorker_ cover by Edward
Sorel, with Yiddish signs mixed in with Polish, Chinese, Spanish . . .
All good wishes, al dos guts,
Larry Rosenwald
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