[Mendele] Mendele Vol. 19.004
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Jun 29 17:03:47 EDT 2009
Mendele: Yiddish literature and language
Contents of Vol. 19.004
June 26, 2009
1) eyer-kikhl (Rukhl Pudlowski Eissenstat)
2) eyer-kikhl (Shija Myer (Mike) Hirsch)
3) eyer-kikhl (Myra Leysorek)
4) eyer-kikhl (Norma Brewer)
5) eyer-kikhl (Paul Micheikin Pascal)
6) eyer-kikhl/kazyoner/oybst/makher (Leonard Fox)
7) eyer-kikhl/makher (Stephen Berr)
8) eyer-kikhl (Zulema Seligsohn)
Date: June 22, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl
Are eyer-kikhl recipes similar to sweet vs. savory kugel and gefilte fish
recipes with respect to Jewish geography? There are many variations in
these simple cookies - some are sweet &/or glazed with sugar; some are
unsweetened or barely sweet. There are some recipes with many more eggs
proportionate to flour than others. Could these many differences reflect
geographical and cultural variations rather than individual family
Rukhl Pudlowski Eissenstat
Date: June 17, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl
Re: Josh Price's inquiry in Mendele 19.003: eyer-kikhl is a light, airy
pastry consisting, I believe, mostly of egg white with a little sugar. The
consistency is something like styrofoam, but crisper (and better
tasting!). They are bowl-shaped, ranging in size from a child's tea cup to
a large chopping bowl. They are often sold commercially at Peysakh.
Zayt gezunt,
Shija Myer (Mike) Hirsch
Date: June 16, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl
Aren't bowties eyer-kikhlekh?
Myra Leysorek
Date: June 17, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl
Eyer-kikhl is a little, sweet home baked biscuit, made with eggs, as its
name suggests.
Norma Brewer
Date: June 16, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl
My grandmother o"h and her four daughters, including my mother o"h, were
famous (in our family, anyway) for their "eyer-kikhl," which they called
"Nothings" in English (at least, my mother and aunts called them that; I
never heard my Bobe utter a word of English, even after 35 years in this
country). These were pastries about the diameter of an orange, very light
(mostly air, it seemed to me), barely sweet, cup-shaped with walls about
half an inch thick, and the color of khale crust but nothing like it in
consistency. "Eyer-kikhl" means "egg cake" and "egg pastry," so either egg
is the key ingredient, or possibly they were called that because they were
vaguely shaped like half an egg shell.
Paul Micheikin Pascal
Date: June 16, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl/kazyoner/oybst/makher
Josh Price asked about "eyer-kikhl." Here are two internet sources with
recipes for two different types of these cookies:
There is another kind, for which I do not have a recipe. I remember it
from my childhood when I would be invited after shabbes dinner by an
Orthodox Jewish couple in my apartment building. I was asked to say
kiddush over a small glass of wine and would then have some of these
cookies for dessert. They were round and flat, not very sweet, with a
distinctive egg taste.
Frida Cielak requested translations for several words:
1. "oybst" is, I believe, the Yiddish version of the German word "Obst,"
meaning "fruit" as a generic term.
5. "kazyoner" refers to government-appointed rabbis in 19th century
Russia, so-called "kazyoner rabiner," "Crown" rabbis, who were really
secular functionaries rather than religious leaders. They were responsible
for providing the state bureaucrats with statistics
regarding the Jewish communities to which they were attached.
3. "makher" is, I think, too well known a word to require extensive
Leonard Fox
Date: June 17, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl/makher
Makher is a big shot, and eyer-kikhl are egg cookies.
Thanks for making a little pisher like me feel like a makher.
Stephen Berr
Date: June 17, 2009
Subject: eyer-kikhl
Josh Price asks about eyer-kikhl. It is what I would call a sugar cookie,
with an egg base. There are many recipes for "egg kichel" (sic) on the
Internet. "Eyer" are, of course, eggs.
Zulema Seligsohn
End of Mendele Vol. 19.004
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