[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements--Upcoming Arbeter-Ring Events in Tel Aviv
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Mar 30 19:25:41 EDT 2009
MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature
Personal Notices and Announcements
March 30, 2009
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Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 15:36:59 +0200
From: Brith Haavoda <brtavoda at netvision.net.il>
Subject:Arbeter-ring Tel Aviv- Plan fun Kultur Unternemungen far April-Yuni 2009
Khosheve Khaverim,
Baygelaygt dem kumedike dray-khedushimdiker program baym Arbeter-ring, 48
Kalisher, Tel Aviv. Telefon: 03-517-6764.
Mitvokh, 1 April,11:30 A.M., "Mordekhai Gebirtig in Lid un in Vort", Kobi
Mitvokh, 22 April,11:30 A.M., "Oyfshtand in Varshaver Geto", Yitschok Luden.
Mit Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim, Shura Grinhoyz-Turkow, Klepfish Khor baym
Mitvokh, 6 Mai,11:30 A.M., "Chaim Gradeh - Zayn Lebn un Shafn", Shmuel Paz.
Artistisher tayl: Fidlerin: Chaya Livni.
Mitvokh, 20 Mai,11:30 A.M., "Rekhilus un Pikanterie in di Muser-seforim fun
Mitlalter", Dr. Noga Rubin. Di Yiddishe Intervelt in Lid un in Vort",
Artistisher tayl: Gesang: Polina Belilovski.
Mitvokh, 3 Yuni,11:30 A.M., "Moishe Kulbak - Zayn Lebn un Shafn", Dr.
Mordekhai Yushkovski. Artistisher tayl: Retzitatzyes: Shura Grinhoyz-Turkow,
Bella Bryks-Klein.
Mitvokh, 17 Yuni, 11:30 A.M., Sof fun Kultur-sezon 2008-209. Barikhtn : Khor
un Kultur-krayz. Artistisher tayl: Klepfish Khor baym Arbeter-ring,
Pianist: Daniel Galay.
Mir vintshn aleh undzere fraynd a fraylekhn Pesakh.
Dear friends,
Below is our new cultural program for April-June 2009 at Arbeter-ring, 48
Kalisher Street, Tel Aviv, Tel: 03-571-6764 :
Wed., April 1, 11:30 A.M., "Mordechai Gebirtig - His Poetry and his Music",
Kobi Lurie.
Wed., April 22, 11:30 A.M., Holocaust Day Memorial Ceremony: "Warsaw Ghetto
Uprising",Yitzchok Luden. With Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim, Shura
Grinhoyz-Turkow, Klepfish Chorus at Arbeter-ring.
Wed., May 6, 11:30 A.M., "Chaim Gradeh - His Life and Literary Creations"
Shmuel Paz. Artistic Program: Violinist:Chaya Livni.
Wed., May 20, 11:30 A.M., "Gossip and Interesting Stories from the Ethical
Books of the Middle Ages", Dr. Noga Rubin. Artistic Program: Singer: Polina
Wed., June 3, 11:30 A.M., "Moshe Kulbak - His Life and Lterary creations",
Dr. Mordekhai Yushkovski. Artistic Program: Recitations: Shura
Grinhoyz-Turkow, Bella Bryks-Klein.
Wed., June 17, 11:30 A.M., End of the 2008-2009 Cultural Season, Report from
the Kultur-krayz and the Chorus. Artistic Program: Klepfish Chorus at
Arbeter-ring, Pianist: Daniel Galay.
With best wishes to all our friends for a happy Passover holiday,
Bella Bryks-Klein
Arbeter-ring in Yisroel - Brith Haavoda
48 Kalisher Street
Tel Aviv Israel
Tel/fax: 972-3-517-6764
E-mail: brtavoda at netvision.net.il <mailto:brtavoda at netvision.net.il>
Khosheve Khaverim,
Baygelaygt dem kumedike dray-khedushimdiker program baym Arbeter-ring, 48
Kalisher, Tel Aviv. Telefon: 03-517-6764.
Mitvokh, 1 April,11:30 A.M., "Mordekhai Gebirtig in Lid un in Vort", Kobi
Mitvokh, 22 April,11:30 A.M., "Oyfshtand in Varshaver Geto", Yitschok Luden.
Mit Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim, Shura Grinhoyz-Turkow, Klepfish Khor baym
Mitvokh, 6 Mai,11:30 A.M., "Chaim Gradeh - Zayn Lebn un Shafn", Shmuel Paz.
Artistisher tayl: Fidlerin: Chaya Livni.
Mitvokh, 20 Mai,11:30 A.M., "Rekhilus un Pikanterie in di Muser-seforim fun
Mitlalter", Dr. Noga Rubin. Di Yiddishe Intervelt in Lid un in Vort",
Artistisher tayl: Gesang: Polina Belilovski.
Mitvokh, 3 Yuni,11:30 A.M., "Moishe Kulbak - Zayn Lebn un Shafn", Dr.
Mordekhai Yushkovski. Artistisher tayl: Retzitatzyes: Shura Grinhoyz-Turkow,
Bella Bryks-Klein.
Mitvokh, 17 Yuni, 11:30 A.M., Sof fun Kultur-sezon 2008-209. Barikhtn : Khor
un Kultur-krayz. Artistisher tayl: Klepfish Khor baym Arbeter-ring,
Pianist: Daniel Galay.
Mir vintshn aleh undzere fraynd a fraylekhn Pesakh.
Dear friends,
Below is our new cultural program for April-June 2009 at Arbeter-ring, 48
Kalisher Street, Tel Aviv, Tel: 03-571-6764 :
Wed., April 1, 11:30 A.M., "Mordechai Gebirtig - His Poetry and his Music",
Kobi Lurie.
Wed., April 22, 11:30 A.M., Holocaust Day Memorial Ceremony: "Warsaw Ghetto
Uprising",Yitzchok Luden. With Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim, Shura
Grinhoyz-Turkow, Klepfish Chorus at Arbeter-ring.
Wed., May 6, 11:30 A.M., "Chaim Gradeh - His Life and Literary Creations"
Shmuel Paz. Artistic Program: Violinist:Chaya Livni.
Wed., May 20, 11:30 A.M., "Gossip and Interesting Stories from the Ethical
Books of the Middle Ages", Dr. Noga Rubin. Artistic Program: Singer: Polina
Wed., June 3, 11:30 A.M., "Moshe Kulbak - His Life and Lterary creations",
Dr. Mordekhai Yushkovski. Artistic Program: Recitations: Shura
Grinhoyz-Turkow, Bella Bryks-Klein.
Wed., June 17, 11:30 A.M., End of the 2008-2009 Cultural Season, Report from
the Kultur-krayz and the Chorus. Artistic Program: Klepfish Chorus at
Arbeter-ring, Pianist: Daniel Galay.
With best wishes to all our friends for a happy Passover holiday,
Bella Bryks-Klein
Arbeter-ring in Yisroel - Brith Haavoda
48 Kalisher Street
Tel Aviv Israel
Tel/fax: 972-3-517-6764
E-mail: brtavoda at netvision.net.il <mailto:brtavoda at netvision.net.il>
Khosheve Khaverim,
Baygelaygt dem kumedike dray-khedushimdiker program baym Arbeter-ring, 48
Kalisher, Tel Aviv. Telefon: 03-517-6764.
Mitvokh, 1 April,11:30 A.M., "Mordekhai Gebirtig in Lid un in Vort", Kobi
Mitvokh, 22 April,11:30 A.M., "Oyfshtand in Varshaver Geto", Yitschok Luden.
Mit Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim, Shura Grinhoyz-Turkow, Klepfish Khor baym
Mitvokh, 6 Mai,11:30 A.M., "Chaim Gradeh - Zayn Lebn un Shafn", Shmuel Paz.
Artistisher tayl: Fidlerin: Chaya Livni.
Mitvokh, 20 Mai,11:30 A.M., "Rekhilus un Pikanterie in di Muser-seforim fun
Mitlalter", Dr. Noga Rubin. Di Yiddishe Intervelt in Lid un in Vort",
Artistisher tayl: Gesang: Polina Belilovski.
Mitvokh, 3 Yuni,11:30 A.M., "Moishe Kulbak - Zayn Lebn un Shafn", Dr.
Mordekhai Yushkovski. Artistisher tayl: Retzitatzyes: Shura Grinhoyz-Turkow,
Bella Bryks-Klein.
Mitvokh, 17 Yuni, 11:30 A.M., Sof fun Kultur-sezon 2008-209. Barikhtn : Khor
un Kultur-krayz. Artistisher tayl: Klepfish Khor baym Arbeter-ring,
Pianist: Daniel Galay.
Mir vintshn aleh undzere fraynd a fraylekhn Pesakh.
Dear friends,
Below is our new cultural program for April-June 2009 at Arbeter-ring, 48
Kalisher Street, Tel Aviv, Tel: 03-571-6764 :
Wed., April 1, 11:30 A.M., "Mordechai Gebirtig - His Poetry and his Music",
Kobi Lurie.
Wed., April 22, 11:30 A.M., Holocaust Day Memorial Ceremony: "Warsaw Ghetto
Uprising",Yitzchok Luden. With Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim, Shura
Grinhoyz-Turkow, Klepfish Chorus at Arbeter-ring.
Wed., May 6, 11:30 A.M., "Chaim Gradeh - His Life and Literary Creations"
Shmuel Paz. Artistic Program: Violinist:Chaya Livni.
Wed., May 20, 11:30 A.M., "Gossip and Interesting Stories from the Ethical
Books of the Middle Ages", Dr. Noga Rubin. Artistic Program: Singer: Polina
Wed., June 3, 11:30 A.M., "Moshe Kulbak - His Life and Lterary creations",
Dr. Mordekhai Yushkovski. Artistic Program: Recitations: Shura
Grinhoyz-Turkow, Bella Bryks-Klein.
Wed., June 17, 11:30 A.M., End of the 2008-2009 Cultural Season, Report from
the Kultur-krayz and the Chorus. Artistic Program: Klepfish Chorus at
Arbeter-ring, Pianist: Daniel Galay.
With best wishes to all our friends for a happy Passover holiday,
Bella Bryks-Klein
Arbeter-ring in Yisroel - Brith Haavoda
48 Kalisher Street
Tel Aviv Israel
Tel/fax: 972-3-517-6764
E-mail: brtavoda at netvision.net.il <mailto:brtavoda at netvision.net.il>
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