[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Bernstein's grobe un oysgelozene" yidishe shprikhverter
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed May 20 09:51:35 EDT 2009
MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature
Personal Notices and Announcements
May 20, 2009
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From: z.marvin at verizon.net
Subject: Bernstein's grobe un oysgelozene" yidishe shprikhverter
Date: 5/10/2009 5:15PM
Mayne tayere Mendelyaners (English translation follows below),
Es git mir
groys fargenign tsu lozn visn ale yidishistn, un stam libhoberfun yidish,
az a zamlung fun yidishe shprikhverter vos iz shoyn fun lang
aroys fun druk, iz videramol aroysgegebm gevorn af dos nay.
In 1975 hob ikh un mayn alter khaver, Dr. Gershon Weltman,
ibergezetst,romanizirt, un ibergedrukt dem orgineyln yidish, mit yidishe
oysyes, azamlung fun "grobe un oysgelozene" yidishe shprikhverter, ersht
in 1908 fun der barimter zamler un aroysgeber fun yidishe
shprikhverter,Ignaz Bernstein (ir kent im nokhzukhn in "Der Leksikon fun
der NayerYidisher Literatur"). Er hot zey ongerufn, af lateynish,
"Erotica unRustica." Mir hobm undzer bikhl a titl gegebm, "Yiddish
Sayings Mama NeverTaught You."
Bashevis (I.B. Singer) hot gezogt vegn undzer zamlung: "A cute and
charming addition to Yiddish folklore." Un der barimter Amerikaner
shrayber, Henry Miller, hot gezogt vegn dos zelbikes: "Juicy, savory,
spicy." Yeshaya Halevi: "In my book collection is a gem, probably out of
print now, called
"Yiddish Sayings Mama Never Taught You."
Gefint oys far zikh aleyn un kukt arayn in undzer bikhl, otvos af dos nay
aroysgegebm. Dort vet ir gefinen, tsvishn 227 andere, vertlekh azelekhe:
"Kleyne kinder kakn kleyne kupkelekh"
"Fun shmole lokshn bakumt men nit keyn breytn tokhes"
"A meyukhes, kusht in tokhes"
"A vort un a forts ken men nit tsriknemen"
Dos hot amol dertseylt a yid vos er iz geven dos ershte mol in teater:
"Viler, vil zi nit; vil zi, vil er nit; viln beyde, lost men arop der
S'zenen faran tsvishn unz azelkhe velkhe hobm faribl di "grobe un
oysgelozene" vertlekh. Ober azelkhe vertlekh ekzistirn tsvishn ale felker
un sphrakhn. S'iz dokh natirlekh. M'iz "dokh nit mer vi a mentsh." Di
vertlekh zenen grobe, ober zey zenen oykh komish, vitsig, un sharfzinig.
Ir kent zey, ibergezetst un romanizirt, ergets andersh nit gifinenen,
Leynst un hots hanoye!
S'iz tsu bakumen fun Amazon, un a bikher-gevelb ken es oykh bashteln far
--Moyshe Tsukerman
English translation:
My Dear Mendelyaners,
It gives me great pleasure to let all Yiddishists, and also just plain
lovers of Yiddish, know that a collection of Yiddish sayings that has long
been out of print is once again back in print.
In 1975 my old friend, Dr. Gershon Weltman, and I, translated,
transliterated and reprinted the original Yiddish in the Yiddish alphabet,
a collection of "coarse and vulgar" Yiddish sayings originally published
in 1908 by the famous collector and publisher of Yiddish folk sayings,
Ignaz Bernstein (you can find him in "The Lexicon of Modern Yiddish
Literature," and other sources). He called them, in Latin, "Erotica and
Rustica." We called our book, "Yiddish Sayings Mama Never Taught You."
I.B. Singer said about our collection: "A cute and charming addition to
Yiddish folklore." And the famous American writer, Henry Miller, said
about it: "Juicy, savory, spicy." Yeshaya Halevi said:" In my book
collection is a gem, probably out of print now, called "Yiddish Sayings
Mama Never Taught ou."
Find out for yourself and look into our little book, now again back in
print. There you will find, among 227 others, sayings such as these:
"Tiny tots make tiny turds" (see above for the original Yiddish)
"You don't get a broad behind from thin noodles"
"You're upper class? Kiss my ass"
"Words and farts can't be taken back"
Thus a Jew who went to the theater for the first time described it: "If he
wants, she doesn't; if she wants, he doesn't; if they both want, down
comes the curtain"
There are those among us who are offended by these "coarse and vulgar"
folk sayings. But such sayings exist among all peoples and all languages.
It is but natural. One is, after all, "no more than human." The sayings
are coarse, but they are also funny, waggish, and clever. You will find
them translated and transliterated in no other place.
Read and enjoy!
The book can be obtained from Amazon, and bookstores can also order it:
Marvin Zuckerman
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