[Mendele] Mendele Archives Afflicted by Technical Problem

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Apr 29 07:37:37 EDT 2010

Mendelyaner trying to get to archived material from volumes 1 to 16 (May 
15, 1991 to May 14, 2007) will get an unpleasant error message:"... was 
not found on this server."

This problem aggvates earlier difficulties with archive functioning. 
We have appealed to the local IT department for help, and hope to have 
better news soon.

Untershames Bers

VICTOR BERS--Department of Classics, Yale University

Office phone: (203) 432-0988			Home phone: (203) 624-1235
Office fax: (203) 432-1079			E-mail: victor.bers at yale.edu

Department Address:                             Home address:
  Box 208266                                      90 Heloise Street
  New Haven, CT 06520-8266                        Hamden, CT 06517

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