[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Seminar in Yiddish Language and Literature Paris, 29-31 January 2010

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Jan 7 08:35:45 EST 2010

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

January 7, 2010

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
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Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 14:18:15 +0100
From: gilles rozier <gilles at yiddishweb.com>
Subject: Seminar in Yiddish Language  and Literature Paris, 29-31 January 

Seminar in Yiddish Language  and Literature Paris, 29-31 January 2010

Seminar in Yiddish Language  and Literature Paris, 29-31 January 2010
This seminar will be an opportunity for Yiddish students from Paris, the 
French provinces or nearby European countries to meet for a long week-end, 
to study Yiddish language and literature in a Yiddish speaking atmosphere.

Faculty members under the supervision of Yitskhok Niborski :
Sharon Bar-Kochva (Maison de la culture yiddish)
Natalia Krynicka (Universit Paris IV-Sorbonne)
Rubye Monet (Maison de la culture yiddish)
Yitskhok Niborski (Inalco, Paris)
Gilles Rozier (Maison de la culture yiddish)
Aron Waldman (Maison de la culture yiddish)

2 levels of courses.
Intermediate (15 hours): open to students who have already studied Yiddish 
for  two years (or equivalent). Teachers :  Sharon Bar-Kochva (3 hours), 
Rubye Monet (Yiddish Film Workshop, 3 hours), Yitskhok Niborski (3 hours) 
and Aron Waldman (3 hours).

Advanced (15 hours):
Natalia Krynicka - Jewish-Polish relationships in  the play Esterke, by 
Arn Tseytlin (3 hours)
Yitskhok Niborski - Prefixes and coverbs (3 hours) ;  Structure of the 
Yiddish sentence (3 hours)
Rubye Monet - Poetry and prose by Itsik  Manger (3 hours)
Gilles Rozier - Poems by Uri-Tsvi Grinberg (3 hours)

Conditions of enrollment
Tuition fees : The cost of tuition is 160 euros. Reduced rate for 
full-time students under 30 years of age (enclose proof of student status 
from your university or other  learning institute): 120 euros. Some 
scholarship aid is available, in priority to students.
This price includes participation in courses, film projection and 

  Information on the web : 
Maison de la culture yiddish-Bibliothque Medem
18, passage Saint-Pierre Amelot 75011 Paris France
Tel. : (+ 33 1) 47 00 14 00  Fax : (+ 33 1) 47 00 14 47
Website: www.yiddishweb.com
To register : laurence at yiddishweb.com

Intensiver kurs far yidisher shprakh un literatur
Pariz, fun 29stn bizn 31stn yanuar 2010

Der intensiver kurs tsilt tsu derloybn studentn fun Pariz, fun der 
provints un fun oysland zikh tsunoyftsutrefn oyf a frayndlekhn sof-vokh 
fun yidishe limudim, in a yidish-redndiker shtimung.

Di lerers :
Unter der pedagogisher onfirung fun Yitskhok Niborski
Sharon Bar-Kochva (Parizer yidish-tsenter)
Natalia Krynicka (Universitet Pariz 4-Sorbonne)
Rubye Monet (Parizer yidish-tsenter)
Yitskhok Niborski (Institut far mizrekh-shprakhn, Pariz)
Gilles Rozier (Parizer yidish-tsenter)
Aron Waldman (Parizer yidish-tsenter)

Di lektsyes
2 nivoen lektsyes

Mitele (15 sho) :
Sharon Bar-Kochva (3 sho), Rubye Monet (kino-varshtat, 3 shoen), Yitskhok 
Niborski (3 sho) un Aron Waldman (3 sho).

Avansirte (15 sho) :
Natalia Krynicka - Yidn un Polakn in Arn Tseytlins pyese Esterke (3 sho)
Yitskhok Niborski - Prefiksn un konverbn (3 sho) ;  zats-ordenung (3 sho)
Rubye Monet - Lider un proze fun Itsik  Manger (3 sho)
Gilles Rozier - Lider fun Uri-Tsvi Grinberg (3 sho)

Skhar-limed : 160 eyros. Studentn : 120 eyros. Shabes-tish : 25 eyros.
Mer protim : http://www.yiddishweb.com/MCY/seminairejanvier2010.html
Parizer yidish-tsenter
18, passage Saint-Pierre Amelot 75011 Paris France
Tel. : (+ 33 1) 47 00 14 00  Fax : (+ 33 1) 47 00 14 47
Vebzaytl : www.yiddishweb.com
Zikh aynshraybn : laurence at yiddishweb.com

Gilles Rozier
Maison de la culture yiddish-Bibliothque Medem
18, passage Saint-Pierre Amelot
75011 Paris
Tel : 00 33 (0)1 47 00 14 00
Fax : 00 33 (0)1 47 00 14 47
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mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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