[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements --3rd yortsayt M. Schaechter/talk by Y. Matveyev (New York, Feb. 7)

victor.bers at yale.edu victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Jan 24 14:50:22 EST 2010

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

Jan. 24, 2010

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Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 14:33:37 -0500
From: Rukhl Schaechter <schaechter at yiddish.forward.com>
Subject: Yiddish shiur, --see  below

Ir zent hartsik farbetn tsu kumen hern a shir af yidish, lekoved dem dritn 
yortsayt fun Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter, z"l, zuntik, dem 7tn februar 2010, 
3:00 nokh mitog, af der teme: "Sheli shelkho ve-shelkho shelkho: Yoysher 
veshivyon kalkoli al-pi muser ukhsides" (Mayns iz dayns, un dayns iz 
dayns: Ekonomisher yoysher un glaykhayt in di sforim fun muser un 
khsides), gegebn fun Yoel Matveyev. Der shir vet forkumen in der shil 
Young Israel Ohab Zedek, 6015 Riverdale Avenue, in Bronx, NY. Kibed vet 
servirt vern.

Yoel iz a populerer shrayber baym Forverts, velkher shraybt af farsheydene 
temes, besoykhem kabole, matematik un filosofye. Er iz oykh a yidisher 
poet un a mit-redaktor funem yidishn zhurnal "Der Nayer Fraynd". Er un 
zayn froy hobn fir kinder un voynen in Monsey, NY.

* * *

On Sunday, February 7 at 3:00 pm, there will be a Yiddish shiur, 
commemorating the third yortsayt of Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter, z"l, on
the topic: "What is Mine is Yours and What's Yours is Yours: Social 
Justice and Economic Equality as found in the Mussar
(Ethical) and Chasidic Schools of Thought", given by Yoel Matveyev. The 
shiur will be held at Young Israel Ohab Zedek, 6015 Riverdale
Avenue (near 261st Street), in the Bronx, NY. Refreshments will be served.

Mr. Matveyev is a popular writer at the Yiddish Forward, who writes 
frequently about diverse topics, including Kabbalah, mathematics and
philosophy. He is also a Yiddish poet, whose poetry has been published in 
a number of magazines, and a co-editor of the Yiddish
magazine "Der Nayer Fraynd". He and his wife have four children and live 
in Monsey. ____________________________________________________________
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