[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements-- "Shekhter-tekhter" in Israel

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Jan 27 20:06:42 EST 2010

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

Jan. 27, 2010

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
2. Send material as plain text:  no HTML, other coding, or 
attachments;and write MENDELE PERSONALS in the subject line.
3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which 
has posted the notice, *not* with your ever-beleaguered 
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 08:32:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Binyumen Schaechter & "Di Shekhter-tekhter" 
<bschaechter at nyc.rr.com>
Subject: "Shekhter-tekhter" in Israel!

Di Shekhter-tekhter & Binyumen Schaechter In Israel!
"Di Shekhter-tekhter"
(Reyna & Temma Schaechter),
with Musical Director Binyumen Schaechter, will be performing their 


in Israel in February (during President's Week) - in Jerusalem, 
Tel-Aviv and Haifa.
The "tekhter" premiered this show in February 2008,
and it has captivated audiences, young and old, Yiddish-challenged 
and Yiddish-fluent, in Paris, Melbourne, Los Angeles, NYC, 
Washington DC, and numerous other cities in between.

OUR ZEYDAS AND BUBBAS AS CHILDREN is a musical montage  covering a 
whole range of experiences from the vantage point of  children and 
teenagers from 1850 -1950.
There are humorous songs about children teasing, playing, and 
arguing  with each other, with their parents, and with the world 
around them.  There are also more serious numbers,
such as a trio of songs from a child's perspective during the 

The songs are not simply sung; they are acted out, staged, and 
performed with costumes and props.

The show is performed in Yiddish, and English translations are 
It is a little over an hour in length.

Below are the specifics about the performances in Israel.

Monday, Feb. 15, 2010, 17:00
Beit Hachavera, Rehov Shalom Aleichem 10 (corner Jabotinsky)
Jerusalem, 92148
Contribution: 35 NIS;  members of the GFYK [see below]: 20 NIS
No reservations.  Seating begins at 16:30.
Sponsored by the "Gezelshaft Far Yidisher Kultur" (Society for 
Yiddish Culture)

Friday, Feb. 19, 2010, 11:30
Beit Leyvik, Rehov Dov Hoz 30 (corner Gordon)
Admission: 50 NIS;  Students and Beit Leyvik members: 35 NIS;  12 
and under: 20 NIS
Reservations: 972-3-523-1830;  info at leyvik.org.il

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010, 19:30
Beit Hecht, Sderot Hanasi 142
Merkaz HaKarmel, Haifa, Israel
Admission: 35 NIS
No reservations.  Seating begins at 19:00.

- Binyumen Schaechter, muzik-direktor,
"Di Shekhter-tekhter"
212-989-0212, BSchaechter at nyc.rr.com

Please do not use the "reply" key when writing to Mendele. 
Instead,direct your mail as follows:

Material for Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements, i.e. 
announcements of events, commercial publications, etc., always in 
plain text (no HTML or the like) to victor.bers at yale.edu 
(IMPORTANT!: in the subject line write "Mendele Personal")

Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language, 
i.e.inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature:

mendele at mailman.yale.edu

IMPORTANT: Please include your full name as you would like it to 
appear in your posting. No posting will appear without its author's 
name.Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal 
email addresses in the body of the message, as responses will be 
posted for all to read.

In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that 
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to 
standard English punctuation,grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of 
transliteration into Latin letters, which are explained in summary 
form at
http://www.yivoinstitute.org/about/index.php?tid=57&aid=275 .

All other messages should be sent to the shamosim at this address:
mendele at mailman.yale.edu

Mendele on the web: http://mendele.commons.yale.edu/

The Mendele webpage currently gives access to issues starting with 
the inauguration, dated May 15, 1991 up to Vol. 16.027 (Apri l 5, 
2007).Issues starting with Vol. 18.004 (July 3, 2008) up to the 
most recent.can be found at 
We are now working to fill the hole between those two sets ,add a 
search routine, and repair (where possible) damaged portions

To join or leave the list:
Personal Notices & Announcements

Jan. 27, 2010

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
2. Send material as plain text:  no HTML, other coding, or attachments;and 
write MENDELE PERSONALS in the subject line.
3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which has 
posted the notice, *not* with your ever-beleaguered untershames.
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 08:32:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Binyumen Schaechter & "Di Shekhter-tekhter" <bschaechter at nyc.rr.com>
Subject: "Shekhter-tekhter" in Israel!
Di Shekhter-tekhter & Binyumen Schaechter In Israel!
"Di Shekhter-tekhter"
(Reyna & Temma Schaechter),
with Musical Director Binyumen Schaechter, will be performing their show,
in Israel in February (during President's Week) - in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv 
and Haifa.
The "tekhter" premiered this show in February 2008,
and it has captivated audiences, young and old, Yiddish-challenged and 
Yiddish-fluent, in Paris, Melbourne, Los Angeles, NYC, Washington DC, and 
numerous other cities in between.

OUR ZEYDAS AND BUBBAS AS CHILDREN is a musical montage  covering a whole 
range of experiences from the vantage point of  children and teenagers 
from 1850 -1950.
There are humorous songs about children teasing, playing, and arguing 
with each other, with their parents, and with the world around them. 
There are also more serious numbers,
such as a trio of songs from a child's perspective during the Holocaust.
The songs are not simply sung; they are acted out, staged, and performed 
with costumes and props.

The show is performed in Yiddish, and English translations are provided.
It is a little over an hour in length.

Below are the specifics about the performances in Israel.

Monday, Feb. 15, 2010, 17:00
Beit Hachavera, Rehov Shalom Aleichem 10 (corner Jabotinsky)
Jerusalem, 92148
Contribution: 35 NIS;  members of the GFYK [see below]: 20 NIS
No reservations.  Seating begins at 16:30.
Sponsored by the "Gezelshaft Far Yidisher Kultur" (Society for Yiddish 

Friday, Feb. 19, 2010, 11:30
Beit Leyvik, Rehov Dov Hoz 30 (corner Gordon)
Admission: 50 NIS;  Students and Beit Leyvik members: 35 NIS;  12 and 
under: 20 NIS
Reservations: 972-3-523-1830;  info at leyvik.org.il

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010, 19:30
Beit Hecht, Sderot Hanasi 142
Merkaz HaKarmel, Haifa, Israel
Admission: 35 NIS
No reservations.  Seating begins at 19:00.

- Binyumen Schaechter, muzik-direktor,
"Di Shekhter-tekhter"
212-989-0212, BSchaechter at nyc.rr.com

Please do not use the "reply" key when writing to Mendele. Instead,direct 
your mail as follows:

Material for Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements, i.e. announcements 
of events, commercial publications, etc., always in plain text (no HTML or 
the like) to victor.bers at yale.edu (IMPORTANT!: in the subject line 
write "Mendele Personal")

Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language, 
i.e.inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature:

mendele at mailman.yale.edu

IMPORTANT: Please include your full name as you would like it to appear in 
your posting. No posting will appear without its author's name.Submissions 
to regular Mendele should not include personal email addresses in the body 
of the message, as responses will be posted for all to read.

In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that 
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to standard 
English punctuation,grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of transliteration 
into Latin letters, which are explained in summary form at
http://www.yivoinstitute.org/about/index.php?tid=57&aid=275 .

All other messages should be sent to the shamosim at this address:
mendele at mailman.yale.edu

Mendele on the web: http://mendele.commons.yale.edu/

The Mendele webpage currently gives access to issues starting with the 
inauguration, dated May 15, 1991 up to Vol. 16.027 (Apri l 5, 2007).Issues 
starting with Vol. 18.004 (July 3, 2008) up to the most recent.can be 
found at http://mailman.yale.edu/pipermail/mendele/
We are now working to fill the hole between those two sets ,add a search 
routine, and repair (where possible) damaged portions

To join or leave the list:

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