[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Niborksi's iPod application "Yiddish for kids"

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Nov 10 09:49:15 EST 2010

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

November 10, 2010

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Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 04:43:04 +0100
From: mirt at free.fr
To: victor.bers at yale.edu
Subject: Niborksi's iPod  application "Yiddish for kids"


(English follows)

Tayere Mendele-abonentn,

Velvl (Rodolfo) Niborski fun Pariz hot ersht aroysgegebn a naye program 
fariPhone, iPod touch un iPad:Yiddish for Kids 2 - Verter

Dos iz a hemshekh tsu "Yiddish for kids - Alef-beys" vos iz aroys mit 
onderhalbn yor tsurik.

Di naye program shtelt for iber 350 yidishe verter say in shrift,say durkh 
originele kolirte ilustratsyes,say durkh a shtim vos redt aroys klor un 
daytlekh yedes vort.

Di verter vern forgeshtelt loyt an alfabetishn shlisl oder loyt a 
tematishn, mit der breyre aribertsugeyn tsu yeder tsayt fun eyn seyder 
tsum tsveytn. Dertsu vert nokh ongegebn der gramatisher min fun yedn vort.

Un a retenish-shpil kumt nokh far a tsulog helfn dem yungn banister 
ontsushtrengen dem zikorn un fargedenken di bagegnte verter.

Dos gantse krigt men far 4 eyres (an erekh 5 USD) funem vayterdikn adres:

Hot hanoe!

Dear Mendele-readers,

Rodolfo (Velvl) Niborski from Paris has just released a new application 
for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad:
Yiddish for kids 2 - Verter.

It's a "kheynevdike" application that presents more than 350 yiddish words 
with - their written form,
- a colored illustration,
- a voice pronouncing clearly each word.
The words can be browsed alphabetically or thematically.
For each word, the grammatical gender is given.

And a quiz-game helps memorize  in a playful manner the new words.

You can buy this application for 4 euros (about 5 USD) at the following 


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