[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Join the Bund on Wikipedia Project

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Oct 18 21:29:11 EDT 2010

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

October 18, 2010

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

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Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:01:57 -0400
From: "Eli - Eliscoming at aol.com" <eliscoming at aol.com>
Subject:Join the Bund on Wikipedia Project


In honor of the 113th anniversary of the founding of the General Jewish 
Labour Bund of Lithuania, Poland, and Russia in Vilna on October 7, 1897, 
The Bund on Wikipedia Project invites you to join our growing online 
movement of Wikipedia Editors dedicated to creating and editing Wikipedia 
articles about the Jewish Labour Bund. Since our inception in August of 
2009, the Project has created and edited nearly 100 Wikipedia Articles 
about the Bund, and has donated them in their printed format to the YIVO 
Institute for Jewish Research. Our Project seeks to assist professional 
and non-professional researchers conducting their research on the Bund, 
and to preserve the memory and legacy of the Bund through Wikipedia. We 
ask that you take part in our Project by becoming a Wikipedia Editor or 
with a kind donation of any kind. For more information about our work, 
please visit our website: http://bundwiki.weebly.com/.


Eli Russ
Director and Founder
The Bund on Wikipedia Project
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     mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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