[Mendele] Mendele, vol. 20.004

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Fri Sep 10 16:35:35 EDT 2010

Mendele: Yiddish literature and language

Contents of Vol. 20.004
September 11, 2010

1) CYCO (Arieh Lebowitz)
2) nisim venifloes (Al Grand)
3) nisim venifloes (Heather Valencia)
4) nisim venifloes (Moyshe Horwitz)
5) shtepnmakher, kholivkes (Icek Mozes)
6) shtepnmakher, kholivkes (Eliezer (Lazar) Greisdorf)
7) shtepnmakher, kholivkes  (Perl Teitelbaum)
8) Dovid Fram (Petr Jan Vin)
9) Dovid Fram (Eliezer Niborski)

Leshone toyve! A gut, gezunt yor ale Mendele-leyeners!

Date: August 30, 2010
Subject: CYCO

I'm looking for some basic information on the Central Yiddish Culture 
Organization, often known as CYCO. When was it formed, where, why, who 
were the key people and/or organizations involved, what different 
addresses was it at from founding to now?   There was a fourth conference 
of CYCO in 1944 - where and when were the first three?  Subsequent 
conferences? Were there any organizational congresses? And sources for 
further information? How difficult would it be to compile a list of things 
CYCO published over the years?

Arieh Lebowitz

Date: August 25, 2010
Subject: nisim venifloes

In regard to Shimon Frank's inquiry regarding a song having the rhythmic 
refrain "ay yay yay yay  ay yay yay! nisim un nifloes! - I remember my 
mother singing the following:

"Der rebbe bavayzt a vunder - ikh hob aleyn gezen
Er geyt arayn in vaser un kumt aroys a naser
ay yay yay yay  ay yay yay!
nisim mit nifloes!"

Hope this helps.

Mit di hartsikste grusn,
Al Grand

Date: August 25, 2010
Subject: nisim venifloes

In reply to the enquiry by Shimon Frank, this comical song poking 
(gentle) fun at the Hasidic rebbe is printed on page 130 of Eleanor and 
Joseph Mlotek's "Songs of Generations" published by the Workmen's  Circle, 
New York.

Heather Valencia

Date: September 4
Subject: nisim venifloes

Mayn tate fleg zingen, "der rebe gayt in vaser un kimt aroys a naser."

Moyshe Horwitz

Date: August 29, 2010
Subject:  shtepnmakher, kholivkes

My father (92) knew immediately what kholivkes and shtepnmakher meant. Er 
hot gezogt az er fleygt shtepn kholivkes in rusland ven er un zayne brider 
hobn gemakht shikh tsu farkoyfn afn shvartsn market in der tsayt fun krig.

Kholivkes and kholyeves were the uppers of a shoe or boot, respectively, 
and shtepn was the process of taking a hide of leather and cutting, 
shaping, sewing, and finishing it into kholivkes that would then be given 
to the shister to assemble with other parts and materials into 
ready-to-wear shoes.

My father accented the first syllable of kholivkes and shtepn, but put the 
accent on the second syllable of kholyeves.

Icek Mozes
Date: August 28, 2010
Subject:  shtepnmakher, kholivkes

I am a Litvak born in Wilno.  The term that comes to mind is 
kamashn-shteper.  This refers to the tradesman who applies the upper part 
of a high boot to the lower part; shtepn means to sew.  I have never heard 
of this word to mean quilting.  Furthermore, in my Uriel Weinreich 
dictionary I found kamash to mean "gaiter, spat, low-laced boot."

Eliezer (Lazar) Greisdorf
Date: August 25, 2010
Subject: shtepnmakher, kholivkes

My father (born in Goworowo, Poland 1910, died in NY in 2004), who had 
many occupations throughout his life first started working as a 
kamashn-shteper or cholewkarz/kholewkarz. You are right. Cholewkarz is 
Polish for uppers maker, and kamashn-shteper is the Yiddish term.   My 
father used both terms. He used to make all the parts of a shoe, or boot, 
except the sole.

Perl Teitelbaum
Date: August 25, 2010
Subject: Dovid Fram

Dovid Fram is indeed a very interesting topic for research. I am already 
looking forward reading your thesis in the future.
To your question whether Fram was reading Romantics I can say the 
following: I do not know about work of Keats, Wordsworth or other English 
Romantics being available in Yiddish in early 20th century Lithuania, but 
I think you should consider the influence of the Russian poets of the so 
called "Golden Age of Russian Poetry."  It would be like Pushkin, 
Lermontov, Tyutchev and others. As a student of the Russian gymnazium and 
a fluent speaker of Russian David Fram was surely familiar with their 
works. And as far as I remember some of the Fram's works, such a 
comparison would be quite promising, I think.

All the best

Petr Jan Vin
Date: August 25, 2010
Subject:  Dovid Fram

Tayere Mendele-leyener.

Fraynd Hazel Frankel fregt zikh nokh in Mendele Vol. 20.002, vegn dem 
yidishn poet Dovid Fram, vegn zayn bakantshaft mit di englishe romantiker, 
un vegn hashpoes oyf im fun andere yidishe poetn.

Es iz ale mol keday a kuk tsu ton, vos me ken gefinen vegn dem alemen 
inemIndeks tsu der Yidisher Periodik (IYP), oyfn vayterdikn adres:


Keyn gor groyse antplekungen tor men nisht dervartn, nor me ken lemoshl 
zen dortn di biblyografishe protim fun a finf retsenzies un artiklen vegn 
Dovid Fram, gedrukte in Varshe un Nyu-York in di yorn 1932-1934.

Me ken oykh zen dortn az azelkhe englishe poetn vi Keats un Wordsworth hot 
men take ibergezetst oyf yidish, un az teyl iberzetsungen hobn zikh 
gedrukt in di zelbe literarishe zhurnaln, vu Dovid Fram hot publikirt 
zayne lider.

Es varft zikh oykh in di oygn Dovid Frams a lid, gedrukt in 1933 in di 
Literarishe Bleter (Varshe), vos heybt zikh on mitn ferz "A briv fun 
Leyvikn, fun Leyvikn mayn rebn."

Zayt azoy gut, fraynd Frankel, un lozt visn ale Mendele-leyener vegn ayere 

Mit grusn un beste vuntshn alemen oyf a gezunt un hatslokhedik yor,

Eliezer Niborski
End of Mendele Vol. 20.003

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