[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Stipendyes farn dritn Seminar far Yidish-Lerers af der Yidish-Vokh fun Yugntruf

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Apr 25 14:10:41 EDT 2011

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

April 25, 2011

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:
1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
2. Send material as plain text:  no HTML, other coding, or attachments;and 
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Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 15:39:14 -0400
From: Yankl-Perets Blum <lererseminar at gmail.com>
Subject: Scholarships Available for Yiddish Teachers Seminar at 
Yiddish-speaking Summer Retreat

Participate in pedagogical workshops and lectures at Yugntruf's Yiddish 
Vokh at the Pearlstone Retreat Center, in Reisterstown, MD, at the Third 
Annual Yiddish Teachers Seminar, August 23 - 29, 2011.

Scholarships will be awarded to 8 - 10 Yiddish teachers working at 
universities, Jewish schools, Yiddish clubs, and in adult education 
classes -- covering most costs for the entire week, including room and 
board, food, all texts, and materials. (Those who who have participated 
once previously may reapply.) No travel subsidies available.

* Learn about pedagogical methods and materials

* Enrich your knowledge of Yiddish history, literature, and culture

* Enjoy a week in the beautiful Pearlstone Retreat Center, including a 
wide variety of Yiddish activities and performances

To request an application, email Yankl-Perets Blum at 
lererseminar at gmail.com or

download the application at 

Application Deadline: June 15, 2011

Find out more about Yiddish Vokh at 
http://yugntruf.org/yiddish-vokh/?lang=en and read an article about a 
previous Yiddish Teachers Seminar at http://yiddish.forward.com/node/2311.

For questions about the Seminar or the application, contact Yankl-Perets 
Blum at lererseminar at gmail.com.

The Yiddish Teachers Seminar is supported by the Friends of the Secular 
Yiddish Schools in North America, Archival Collection at Stanford 
University Libraries, Special Collections.


Stipendyes farn dritn Seminar far Yidish-Lerers af der Yidish-Vokh fun 

Bateylikt zikh in pedagogishe varshtatn un lektsyes af der Yidish-vokh fun 
Yugntruf inem Pearlstone Retreat Center in Reisterstown, MA, dem
23stn - 29stn Oygust, 2011.
An eynvokhiker Yidish-lerer-seminar in a durkhoys yidish-redndiker svive 
mit kosher esn. Di stipendyes ~W far 8-10 yidish lerers in universitetn, 
yidishe shuln, yidish-klubn, un kursn far dervaksene ~W dekn kimat ale 
hetsoes af der gantser vokh, arayngerekhnt dem tsimer, esn, un ale 
lerntekstn un materyaln. (Di vos hobn zikh eyn mol frier bateylikt kenen 
hayyor vider a mol ongebn aplikatsye.) Mir kenen nit dekn keyn 

* Bakent zikh un teylt zikh mit pedagogishe metodn un materyaln tsuzamen 
mit ayere kolegn
* Lernt zikh vegn der yidisher geshikhte, literatur, un kultur in undzer 
* Farbrengt af datshe in a durkhoys yidish-redndiker svive

Ir megt betn an aplikatsye ba Yankl-Perets Blumen (lererseminar at gmail.com) 

aroplodn di aplikatsye direkt funem vebzaytl


Aplikatsye-termin: dem 15tn Yuni 2011

Leyent vegn der yidish-vokh af http://yugntruf.org/yvokh/ un git a kuk af 
an artikl inem Forverts vegn a frierdikn lerer-seminar: 

Oyb ir hot kashes mekoyekh der aplikatsye tsi dem seminar, tut a freg ba: 
Yankl-Perets Blum (Koordinator), lererseminar at gmail.com

Der Yidish-lerer-seminar vert geshtitst fun di Fraynd fun dem arkhiv fun 
di Yidish-veltlekhe shuln in Tsofn-amerike, 
Stanford-universitet-biblyotken, spetsyele zamlungen.

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Material for Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements, i.e. announcements 
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HTML or the like) to:

victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)

Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and 
language,i.e.inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity 

      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to appear 
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Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email 
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In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that 
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