[Mendele] Mendele Vol. 21.004

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sat Aug 27 09:24:30 EDT 2011

Mendele: Yiddish literature and language

Contents of Vol. 21.004
August 26, 2011

1) "biz keyn dants" (Rochelle Eissenstat)
2) Race and Humor in Yiddish jokes (Eli Rosenblatt)
3) Yiddish email group in London (Daniel Nemenyi)
4) "A kind on a heymele" sought (Michael Steinlauf)
5) General inquiry about heirs/estates of Yiddish writers and other 
cultural figures
(Roberta Newman)
6) halb yokish, halb fayvish (Sholem Berger)

Date: August 3, 2011
Subject:  "biz keyn dants"

Is it possible that this phrase is actually about the vaser going biz 
Keidan? There was a city in Lithuania called Keydan in Yiddish. The 
current name in Lithuanian is Kedainiai.
Wikipedia says: The city has been known by other names: Kiejdany in 
Polish, Keidan in Yiddish, and Kedahnen in German. Its other alternate 
forms include Kidan, Kaidan, Keidany, Keydan, Kiejdany, Kuidany, and 

Rochelle Eissenstat

Date: August 4, 2011
Subject: Race and Humor in Yiddish jokes

Dear Friends,

I am currently in search of Yiddish jokes or sayings that contain some 
element of racial or racist thinking. For example, this could be a 
regrettable racist joke, but my hope is that such jokes could be about 
something more complex about Jews and Goyim. My general request is that 
the joke deal with some aspect of racial difference, either as we 
understand it today or as it was understood in the past.

mit frayndlikhe grusn,

Eli Rosenblatt

Date: August 24, 2011
Subject: Yiddish email group in London

Dear Mendele,

Some of you might be interested in a new email group for Yiddish in 
London, UK that has been recently set up. It's part of a push to increase 
Yiddish-loshn events, research and other activities in and around the 
London area. To subscribe, please visit

zayt mir gezunt!
Daniel Nemenyi

Date: August 8, 2011
Subject: "A kind on a heymele" sought

I am looking for downloadable recordings of  "A kind on a heymele/ An 
opgekhakt beymele." Can anyone help?

A sheynem dank,
Michael Steinlauf

Date: August 21, 2011
Subject: General inquiry about heirs/estates of Yiddish writers and other 
cultural figures

YIVO would like to display unpublished letters from the following writers, 
actors, and communal activists on a new web site now in development, the 
Gruss-Lipper Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland. As such, we'd 
greatly appreciate any contact information for their literary estates or 
family members:

Shalom Asch
Moyshe Broderzon
Chewel Buzgan
Shimen Dzigan
Zishe Kats
Esther Kreitman
Avrom Morewski
Ignacy Schwarzbart
Yisroel Shumakher
Diana Blumenfeld Turkow
Oyzer Warshavskii
Michal Weichert
Mark (Markus)Yuviler

Thanks very much for any leads anyone out there might have!

Roberta Newman
Content Producer/Gruss Lipper Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Date: August 3, 2011
Subject: halb yokish, halb fayvish

Meg ikh rekomendirn Stutshkovs verter-oytser (vos a dank Refoyl Finkel un 
Shimen Neuberg ken men nitsn afn internet,
http://www.cs.uky.edu/~raphael/yiddish/searchOytser.cgi ?
Unter pozitsye 388 ("umbashlosnkayt") shteyt:

    - *lemekh, lemeshke, [vulgarizm] drek, *meheykhe-teyse-mentsh,
    ahin-un-aher-mentsh, vaklmentsh
    - halb faytl halb traytl <shmerl>;
    - halb *khayim (*yokish*) halb fayvish

Sholem Berger

End of Mendele Vol. 21.004

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