[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements-- Circle Lodge program:correcting a phone number mentioned in a previous post
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Jun 2 20:30:07 EDT 2011
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
June 2, 2011
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Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 13:02:56 -0400
From: Nikolai Borodulin <nikolaib at circle.org>
Subject: Circle Lodge program-correcting a phone number mentioned in a
previous post
Zayt mir moykhl, ikh hob gegebn nit rikhtikn telefon numer: es darf zayn
516-280-3157 (ken men dos aroysshikn nokh a mol)
Circle Lodge Program: June 27 - July 1 (Mon-Fri)
Yidish far ale! Yiddish for Everyone!
Oyb ir hot lib Yidish un ir vilt zikh baraykhern mit naye un farkhapndike
mekoyrim, oyb ir vilt shmuesn/zingen/kholemen af Yidish dem gantsn tog -
di program iz far aykh.
If you love Yiddish, if you want to enrich your Yiddish experience with
new and exciting resources, if you want to schmooze/sing/dream in Yiddish
all day long - this is the program for you.
Among the presenters:
Troim Handler Katz - Instructor for Advanced Yiddish Shmueskrayz
Nikolai Borodulin - Instructor for Beginners & Intermediate Shmueskrayz
Adrienne Cooper - Yiddish Songs Workshop
Frank Handler - Yiddish Culture and East European Jewish History
To register call: 516-280-3157 !
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