[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Bella Bryks Klein lectures on her father, Rachmil Bryks:Los Angeles, June 26

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Jun 16 16:59:48 EDT 2011

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

June 16, 2011 (Bloomsday: Leopold Bloom, er hot idish geredt? No, 
according to
Erwin R. SteinbergSource: James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 26.3 (1989):401)

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Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 13:42:17 -0700
From: CIYCL - California Institute for Yiddish Culture and Language 
<miriam at yiddishinstitute.org>

Subject: Bella Bryks Klein lectures on her father, Rachmil Bryks

Announcement by the California Institute for Yiddish Culture and Language:

Sunday, June 26, 2 PM in Los Angeles
A multi-media event, \In the Footsteps of My Father,
Yiddish Writer Rachmil Bryks, featuring a very special guest from Israel, 
Bella Bryks Klein.
Rachmil Bryks, the author of seven books of Yiddish prose and poetry, is 
most renowned for his black comedy, "A Cat in the Ghetto,"  which is 
frequently dramatized by theater companies around the world. Ms. Bryks 
Klein is the Executive Director of the Yiddish Cultural Center, 
ArbeterRing Israel and the representative of the Yiddish Forward in 
Using photographs, song, and excerpts from her father'swritings, Bryks 
Klein will take us on a moving odyssey from a childhood immersed in 
Yiddish culture in post-War New York City to a retracing of her father's 
journeys before and during the Holocaust in Poland. In English and 
Location:  8339 W. 3rd Street, Los Angeles
$8 General; $6 CIYCL Members;
Free for Full-Time Students
For more information, please visit the CIYCL website at 
www.yiddishinstitute.org. Contact:  Miri Koral, Director, CIYCL 
miriam at yiddishinstitute.org   310-745-1190
Meldung fun:  Der Kalifornyer Institut far Yidisher Kultur un Shprakh: 
Zuntik, dem 26tn Yuni, 2:00 in Los Angeles
A multi-media program:In Di Shpurn fun Mayn Tatn , Der Yidisher Shrayber 
Yerakhmiel Briks, mit undzer khoshevn gast fun yisroel, Bela Briks Klayn. 
Yerakhmiel Briks, der mekhaber fun zibn yidishe bikher fun proze un 
poezye, iz ameynstns bavust far zayn tragikomedye, A Kats in Geto, vos iz 
oft dramatizirt un forgeshtelt fun teater trupes iber der velt. Bela Briks 
Klayn iz di onfirerin fun Yidishn Kultur Tsenter bam Arbeter Ring in 
Yisroel un di forshteyerin fun der Yidisher Forverts in Yisroel.   Zikh 
banutsndik fun fotografyes, lider, un oystsugn fun ir tatns verk, vet Bela 
Briks Klayn undz bagleytn oyf a nesiye onheybndik in ire kinder yorn 
fartift in yidisher shprakh un kultur in di nokh-melkhomedike tsaytn in 
Nyu York biz ir nokhgeyn dem tatns fustrit in far un bes dem khurbn in 
Poyln. In English un Yidish
Far vayterdike protim, zet undzer vebzaytl, www.yiddishinstitute.org 
kontakt:  Miri Koral, Direktor, miriam at yiddishinstitute.org  310-745-1190
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