[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements: Weiser's book on Prylucki--a correction and an addition
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Jun 29 22:30:57 EDT 2011
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
June 29, 2011
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From: Victor Bers
Date: June 29,. 2011
Subject: Correcting and supplementing an earlier notice of K. Weiser's
/Jewish People,Yiddish Nation
Noah Prylucki and the Folkists in Poland
In the notice sent out a few days ago there was mention of a
pre-publication discount for our /redaktor/'s book. I regret that the
technical limitations of the mailer normally used to send out /Mendele/
and /Personal Notices & Announcements/ prevented my including a pdf
needed to get that discount. To make amends, this posting will be
distributed by a standard mailer, one that allows attachments.
Also, I have deleted the US telephone number previously listed as the
one US residents should call to place an order. In North America, at
least, phone orders can be placed only by calling the Canadian
numbers; but to receive the discount form you need to print out and mail
the order form in the attachment.
Here, with appropriate deletions, is the original announcement:
Jewish People,Yiddish Nation
Noah Prylucki and the Folkists in Poland
Kalman Weiser
Approx. 416 pp / 6 x 9 / June 2011
16 illustrations
Paper ISBN 978-0-8020-9716-3 $29.95
Discount Price $23.96
Noah Prylucki (1882–1941), a leading Jewish cultural and political
figure in pre-Holocaust Eastern Europe, was a proponent of Yiddishism, a
movement that promoted
secular Yiddish culture as the basis for Jewish collective identity in
the twentieth century. Prylucki’s dramatic path – from russified Zionist
raised in a Ukrainian shtetl, to Diaspora nationalist parliamentarian in
metropolitan Warsaw, to professor of Yiddish in Soviet Lithuania –
uniquely reflects the dilemmas and competing options facing the Jews of
this era as life in Eastern Europe underwent radical transformation.
Using hitherto unexplored archival sources, memoirs, interviews, and
materials from the vibrant interwar Jewish and Polish presses, Kalman
Weiser investigates the rise and fall of Yiddishism and of Prylucki’s
political party, the Folkists, in the post-World War One era. Jewish
People, Yiddish Nation reveals the life of a remarkable individual and
the fortunes of a major cultural movement that has long been obscured.
Kalman (Keith) Weiser is the Silber Family Professor of Modern Jewish
Studies in the Centre for Jewish Studies at York University.
In Europe:
University of Toronto Press
c/o NBN International
Airport Business Centre
10 Thornbury Road
Plymouth, Devon
Tel: +44 (0) 1752 202301
Fax: +44 (0) 1752 202333
Orders & Customer Service
Please send orders to appropriate
address below.
All orders except Europe:
Order Department
University of Toronto Press
5201 Dufferin Street
North York ON M3H 5T8
Tel: 1-800-565-9523 or 416-667-7791
Fax: 1-800-221-9985 or 416-667-7832
Desk Copies
Professors requesting desk copies should write on departmental
letterhead and indicate the course name and the approximate
# of students. Please send to: Desk Copy Requests, University of Toronto
Press, 10 St. Mary Street, Suite 700,
Toronto ON M4Y 2W8, CANADA. Fax: 416-978-4738
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